Timeline Part 2/5

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(Alright I'm gonna try more harder here)
October. 30. 2021 - COVID - 19 Cases Sprung up again in Texas.
Chinese Military Forces began building up in the Indochinese Border, Alarming the ASEAN Countries

November. 2. 2021 - Saudi Arabia successfully entered Iranian Borders.
Despite The country falling apart, the US Government sent 5000 Marines to support the Saudi Invasion

November. 22. 2021 - ASEAN Leaders made the Manila Agreement, which made ASEAN to a Multinational alliance rather than a Association.
Food Shortages and Inflation keep devastating the US Economy.

November. 29. 2021 - Egypt began assaulting the Sinai Border, sparking another conflict in the Middle East.
Iran began Using Nuclear Missiles in order to slow the Saudi Offensive

December. 5. 2021 - The United States began to slash its Military budgets.
Chinese reformists secretly gathered like-minded generals from the PLA
Russian People began to Riot in the front of the Kremlin demanding aid

December. 12. 2021 - Chinese hardliners began to notice that many PLA Divisions went missing
the PLAN invaded Taiwan and lands three Marine Divisions
Chinese General Tao Xiaobo began the Invasion of Laos, Vietnam, Burma and Thailand to gain its much needed resources.
A attempted coup at Italy causes Italy's descent into a massive police state

December. 25. 2021 - Temperatures reached a critical low point in Northern America and Canada.
Taiwan eventually Capitulates 
Australia aids ASEAN in their struggle.
The Chinese Army successfully captures 80% of Burma and invaded Thailand in the eastern border.
The US Navy sent the USS Abraham Lincoln strike group to Guam, to Support the Conflict, they are withdrawn three days later

Jan. 11. 2022 - The Economic Crisis Deepened.
Saudi - Iran war entered a Stalemate.

The Egyptian assault managed to reach the outskirts of Jerusalem.

Lebanon joined the war against Israel.
Israeli IDF troops began a Brutal Crackdown on Palestinians, which is condemned by the UN

Jan. 25. 2022 - The Chinese Thrust in Vietnam ended in failure due to dried Oil Supplies. Vietnamese, Thai, Laos, and Burmese Troops began pushing the Chinese Army back into its borders.

Feb. 10. 2022 - Chinese Reformists, along with it's PLA Aligned Divisions, Besieged Beijing

Feb. 13. 2022 - Pakistan was badly Weakened by the Depression due to dependence to Arabian Oil, began economic negotiations with India

Feb. 25. 2022 - the US Government withdrew its US Marines in Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Australia to deal with Affairs back home
The KKK (Klu Klux Klan) Began to attack Black Communities in South Carolina and Alabama, the BLM began to start its militia
Beijing eventually fell, the New Chinese Government promises an end to repression
The US Government approval ratings are 80% Low due to weak attempts to revitalize economic, social and political affairs

Mar. 6. 2022 - Pakistan, knowing how dire the global situation is, signs
- The New Chinese government signed a Peace treaty with ASEAN and abandoned its Military facilities in South China Sea which ASEAN took control.

Mar. 14. 2022 - Israeli Forces successfully deterred Egyptian forces in the Gaza Strip.
- BRICS is officially dissolved
India and Pakistan signed the Bangalore agreement, which formed the South Asia Economic Cooperative

Mar. 25. 2022 - A European Stock Market crashed, worsening the depression.
- A German Army officer revolted against the Government
- Scotland immediately rebelled against the English government.

April. 7. 2022 - In Africa, More than a hundred Rebellions occurred in the West, North and Eastern Regions. Somalia, Libya and Angola are torn from the heavy fighting, ASEAN sent peacekeepers.

April. 15. 2022 - ASEAN began to reform the economic crisis and start heavily militarization. 

April. 29. 2022 - the Saudi Air force began Operation Submission, which Bombarded Iranian Factories, Military Bases, Airports and other High Value Buildings

Alright the Buck stops here

621 Words, huh not much I think

Also This is Fiction and do not take it seriously

See ya later

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