He Was Perfect

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Within two days, I was released from the hospital. I healed pretty fast, but the doctor still made me use crutches (which I hate by the way). The whole team had gotten involved now, and I was starting to worry about who was going to die first. I'd gotten mixed up with the wrong people, and the team didn't know that. My past was an unknown for them...

"Nick, can I please walk on my own?"

He was carrying me, for the most part anyway, as I attempted to walk towards the entrance of the hospital to leave. Of course, my wonderful truck (I'm attached) was destroyed and I would need a new car, so Nick offered to drive me everywhere. Catherine and Nick were going to stay with me, for my own "protection" while the rest the team analyzed and processed the crime scene. Of course, Catherine was walking beside me, watching as Nick helped me walk (or rather carried me as I said before), with a knowing smile, which was beginning to make me feel weird around Nick, as if I didn't feel weird enough. I had that flying sensation from the butterflies in my stomach and I swear my cheeks were making me way too hot.

"I am letting you walk, just not alone. If I had my way, I'd be carrying you."

"Oh lord," I looked at Catherine, "Help me, Cath, please."

She just smirked, "You can carry her, Nicky."

"CATHERINE!" I whined. Nick just smirked back at her. I quickly used my crutches to get ahead of them.

"I'm gettin' outta here!"

"Hey, wait!" Nick quickly caught up to me, wrapping his arm around me, "You can't go without me."

The embrace he initiated sent a shock through me as the butterflies started flying around faster. My face turned even more tomato red than before and the heat began to overwhelm me. Why was I feeling like this? I hadn't even felt this way when I was dating him? So why was it so different...so welcoming? So sweet?

"Oh really, sport."

I held up the keys to his car with a I triumphant look, as he blinked in surprise.

"How..did you?"

"Never pull a woman close." I smirked, "She has the chance to grab anything."

He rolled his eyes, "Let's get you home."

I realized Catherine had slowed down behind us and I heard her talking to Grissom. I glanced back at her as she caught up with us as Nick ushered me out the doors of the hospital, and I found myself embracing the warm sun and the beautiful scenery of Vegas in autumn.

"Griss wants me at the crime scene so I can help. Nick, you go with her for now, and I'll see you guys tonight."

Nick nodded, "A'right. See you then."

We then split paths, Catherine heading to her car and Nick leading me to his truck. I smiled to myself as I saw it, being reminded of my -deceased- truck. He smiled at the look on my face.

"You like it?"

"Yeah." I laughed, "Its perfect."

"I warn you," I unlocked the door to my apartment, "I have the cutest, most adorable puppy in the world with the best puppy eyes you'll ever see."

Nick grinned, "Really?"

I pushed the door open, "Yes."

The moment the door was fully open, the excited French Bulldog hurriedly scampered across the tiled floor, and jumped at me, knocking me into Nick's arms and nearly knocking us both over. The licking instantly began for the both of us, and in seconds, me and Nick were laughing and giggling.

"Alright, Prancer!" I whined, brushing his head softly to remove him from Nick's leather jacket. He happily obliged, instead licking my neck as I held him.

Nick wiped his face and neck with his sleeve, "Prancer?"

"Yes." I laughed, "Its better than Vixen, Comet, or Cupid."

He seemed really happy then, Nick I mean. The way he was smiling, and looking at me made me feel like I was loved, like he had loved me.

"Hey, you okay?" Nick's honey sweet voice snapped me out of my reverie.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I quickly released myself from Nick, and walked into the apartment, putting Prancer on his feet and allowing him to run to go grab a tennis ball. Nick entered, with eyes of fascination looking around the apartment I called home. The entryway to the apartment instantly lead into the living room, which had two soft cream-colored couches in it, both of which were covered in high stacks of books, detailing profiling and criminals. The coffee table had several stacks of newspapers, from both Miami and Las Vegas, dating back to January of the previous year. The floor I had just cleaned this morning, and was nice and clean (thankfully). The television, which was a small one, was off and had some dust collecting on its screen. He nodded as he walked forward, looking at the large window that covered the far wall, overlooking Vegas. He pressed his hands to the glass, obviously surprised at the amazing view it presented. I set my crutches against the closet, walking over to his side.

"Its better at night."

He looked over at me, his body jumping slightly, "Really?"

I looked away from his gaze, "Yeah it really is. Breath-taking."

He smiled and turned to the living room again, walking over to one of the stacks of books, and held one up ("Profiling for the Average Person").


I turned to look and smirked to myself at the 'Seriously?' expression on his face, "Yep!"

I turned back to the look of Vegas after awhile. All was quiet, the silence filling the apartment. Even Prancer, who had finally returned with a rope, was quiet. Nick's footsteps finally broke the silence, as he joined me again.

"What was he like?"

I knew what he was asking, though I had no idea how he had found out about my last dating relationship.

"He was lazy, sweet, and sarcastic. He always found a way to make me laugh, or just plain forget about something I did wrong." A smile broke out on my cheeks, "We spent Saturday and Sunday mornings just lying in bed talking," Chuckle, "Or kissing."

I looked down, my hair curtaining me off from the rest of the world for a moment. I then closed my eyes fully, seeing his smiling face behind the lids.

"He was perfect." I whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2012 ⏰

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