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Laughs filled the diner, a peaceful vibe leaving it. The team was seated at the big table, enjoying the dinner placed in front of them. Mashed potatoes, hamburgers, hot-dogs, pancakes, bacon, and all sorts of food covered the table.

"Nicky, pass the rolls." I said, nudging Nick as he sat next to me. He laughed and grabbed the rolls, passing them to me.

"Hey Steph, give me some too!" Greg cheered. I grinned and passed them over, after grabbing the two rolls I wanted.

Catherine continued her story, "And so I just asked her, what were you thinking and she said 'I wanted to help, Mommy'."

Laughs were repeated, and I rolled my eyes.

"Kids these days."

"You got any siblings, Steph?" Warrick asked.

I smiled, "Yeah; my younger brother, Daniel. He turned twelve last year. His only worries are whether or not the power goes out when he's defeating the game."

More laughs.

"What were you like growing up?" Greg asked.

I smiled, thinking back to when I grew up. I moved the glass around as I held it, the last of the soda swishing around the bottom, "I worked too hard; my mother had problems with back pain and that when I was growing up and so I did a lot of the housework."

I downed the last of the soda, setting it back down and looking down to my empty plate. I'd eaten some pancakes, bacon, and a few rolls. I'd had two cups of soda.

"Sounds like the complete opposite of you now, Stephie." Nick teased.

"Yeah right, Nicky."

I sighed deeply, closing my eyes as I looked down. I breathed deeply once more, before sliding the chair back, "Well I think I've had enough to eat, and drink."

"Oh come on, Steph! Stay a little longer."

"I got to get home before I get too intoxicated."

Nick suddenly stood up, "If you're leaving, I'll drive you home."

"Nicky, I'll be fine. Trust me, I can see just fine."

"But can you drive?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and went to walk away, but stumbled, nearly falling to the ground, but Nick quickly grabbed me as I heard Catherine and Sara snicker. Nick pulled me up against him, saying, "I think I'll drive."

I again rolled my eyes, and just gave in. Nick set me back on my feet and turned, grabbing his coat and my jacket, before putting them over his arm and holding his free arm out to me. I breathed deeply and linked my arm into his, allowing him to help me walk out of the diner.

"They're so cute together." I swear I heard Sara say.

"Nick, I can buckle a seat-belt you know." He glanced up at me as he buckled me in.

"I know." He gave me his signature Texan smile, "I just want to make sure you're in safely."

He leaned back, grabbing the door, "Okay, all in?"


He carefully shut the door, as though if he slammed it I'd get hurt. He was just way too sweet. I watched him walk over to the driver side, and get in. He stuck the keys he'd stolen from my pocket into the key-hole and started the car. The radio remained off, as he had shut it off when we'd gotten out earlier, and took out of the diner's parking lot.

The drive was awkward, and when we turned down a side-street towards my apartment, I noticed a silver car that had been following us since we'd left the diner. I stared at them through the mirror, trying not to alarm Nick about it, but I saw them speed up and looked back instead through the back mirror of my truck, getting a better view at them.

"They still following us?" Nick asked.

"You knew they were following us?"

He didn't have time to answer as they suddenly hit the back of the car, brutally slamming my head into the dashboard. I groaned, gripping my head as Nick quickly sped up the truck, attempting to lose them.

"Stephanie, you alright?!" He asked, worry in his voice. I nodded slowly, pressing my hand to my forehead, groaning again as I felt the blood on my forehead.

"Oh god.." I breathed, pulling my hand down to look at the blood. We abruptly went over a bump, and I slammed my bloody hand on the dashboard, preventing me from hitting it again. My vision blurred and I felt my hand slide down from the dashboard. I pressed a hand to my forehead, the seat-belt digging into my side. I looked around, and as I found myself looking to the left, I saw a second car about to hit us.


He suddenly turned the wheel, and we went off the road...

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