M o r n i n g

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The last movie they watched was Texas Chainsaw Masacre. Everyone ended up passing out after that. Hinata and Kenma were cuddling, using Kuroo's lap as a pillow. Bokuto and Akaashi were cuddling together as well. Kageyama went to sleep in between Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

They woke up around 6 A.M. The first ones to wake up were Akaashi and Kuroo. Akaashi sat up and groaned.

"My head. How much did we drink?"

Kuroo sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Maybe a bit less than what I normally drink."

Bokuto pulled Akaashi back down and held him in place. Akaashi sighed. "Bokuto san let go."


Kuroo let out a small chuckle. He played with Hinata's hair as he watched Akaashi struggle to get Bokuto off of him. Kuroo wanted to get up as well, but he had two males sleeping on him at the moment.

Iwaizumi stirred. Eventually he woke up and rubbed his eyes. "Oh it's morning already?"

Kuroo nodded. Iwaizumi looked around. "What time is it?"

Kuroo pulled his phone out, only to find it dead. He looked at Kenma's phone and back at him. He swiftly turned it on and checked the time.

"6 A.M- woah. Kenma has-"

"Has what?"

Iwaizumi and Kuroo jumped. Kenma glared at Kuroo.

"Nothing. Now that you're awake can you-"


"You didn't even know what I was going to say!"

"Shut up." Kenma pulled Hinata closer to him and slowly drifted back to sleep.

"You always do this. Your boyfriend has soft hair by the way."


Kuroo sighed and ruffled Kenma's hair. He then continued to play with Hinata's.

Iwaizumi looked to the side to see Oikawa stretching. "Good morning!"


Oikawa scratched his head. "What happened yesterday?"

Kuroo snorted. "You don't remember?"

"No?" He turned to Iwaizumi, who shook his head.

"Wow you both drank a lot and got into a little argument during a movie." He pointed at Kageyama. "The poor guy wanted to sleep next to chibi chan to make sure he didn't have any nightmares, but you pulled him in between you and Iwaizumi. After that Oikawa tried to cuddle with him so Iwaizumi pulled Kageyama towards himself and cuddled with him."

Iwaizumi sighed. "We have to apologize to him when he wakes up."

"Why should I?"

"Because he didn't drink so he remembers everything. Also because he woke up when you said that."

Oikawa flinched and looked at Kageyama, who ran his hand through his hair.

"I'm never going anywhere near you two when you're drunk."

Iwaizumi laughed. "Sorry about that." He glared at Oikawa, who huffed.

"Tobio chan."


"I...want you to try something on." He stood up and pulled Kageyama up.


Iwaizumi stood up. "Oikawa no!"

Two Weeks In Hell//KenhinaWhere stories live. Discover now