𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆 ~ 𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒎𝒐𝒊𝒍 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒅𝒂𝒚

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   "𝕵oy, dear, come downstairs, please." I hear mother call from the sitting room. Standing up from the unfinished and quite amateurly made sweater I was just sewing, I rush downstairs.

"What is it, mother?"

"Have a seat, there's someone I would like you to meet." She says, gesturing to the tiny man sitting across from her. He's got quite a cute build, looking tiny next to father in his spot, the sleeves of his pitch black suit slightly floppy, almost as if he's borrowing an older brother's. I give him a quick bow and sit down next to mother, smoothing my skirt.

"Miss Joy Park, I presume? Your mother has told me a lot about you and I simply can't say I'm not pleased to meet you."

"How can you say you've met me when you haven't even introduced yourself, sir?" I scoff; the man blushes, fidgeting with one of the rings on his small fingers.

"Ah, please forgive me. My name is Min Yoongi, and I'm here on behalf of Mr. Jung Hoseok. I'm assuming you know who he is?"

"Of course, sir, everyone's heard of the honorably discharged general who singlehandedly brought countless countries to peace! To what could I possibly owe the pleasure of?"

"You see, Miss Joy, Master Hoseok has sent me to, rather boldly, if you ask me, request you meet him this Wednesday, at Jung Manor." My jaw drops, and I momentarily decide manners mean nothing at this moment. Jung Hoseok, request to meet me, a tailor's daughter? What on earth would he speak to me about? Mr. Yoongi only chuckles, as if he hasn't just asked me to meet one of the most esteemed and respected men in the entire country of Korea.

"I understand if you would like to decline but Master Hoseok expressed that he was quite excited to get to speak to you."


Wednesday arrives all too quickly and I'm spared no peace. Mother and I spend the entirety of Tuesday shopping for dresses, passing out from exhaustion as soon as we come home. Mr. Min said Mr. Jung would prefer I come alone, much to father's chagrin, and mother's been panicking ever since he came, the poor thing worrying I'll make a fool of myself and ultimately her and father. Of course she would, I'm only meeting the most respected and rich man in all of Korea, so no worries!

"Oh god, I'm a mess", is the only thing going through my mind as Yeri, my maid, ties the ribbon on my dress. I'll admit, it's pretty, all sparkly and silver, but I feel sweaty and clammy, probably even shaking.

"Lord, Joy, I can't imagine what you'd do if I weren't here right now! Quit trembling, you'll ruin your hair!" She tuts, snatching the bottle of perfume from my hands and setting it on the desk.

"Probably crying in the closet with the lights off, ha." Yeri only rolls her eyes.

"What are you so nervous for, anyways? It's not like he's asking you to marry him."

"Yeri!" I smack her arm, feeling my cheeks warm despite the cold winter air.

"What?! I'm not wrong!"

"He's the former commander of the army, why wouldn't I be shaking?!"

"It's not like you're a soldier, are you? Now hold still and shut up, I need to do your lipstick."


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