The night of our lives

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In the 3rd class area, It was lit with, laughter, raucous, and alive with Irish music. An Irish band is gathered near the piano, honking out lively stomping music on fiddle, accordion and tambourine. People of all ages were dancing, drinking beer and wine, smoking, laughing, and even brawling.

Gideon hands Dipper a pint of stout and he hoists it. Pacifica meanwhile dances with little 5 year old  Gorney, or tries too, with him standing on her feet. As the tune ends Dipper leans down to the little boy.

"May I cut in sir?" He asks sweetly.

"You're still my best man Gorney!" Pacifica yells as her and Dipper start to dance.

Gorney scampers off. Dipper and Pazzie face each other. They were about to dance but Pazzie pulls away for a sec.

"Hold on...Its kinda hard to dance in this thing." Pacifica chuckles as she takes the bottom of her dress, rips the bottom until it was up to her knees, took her gloves and threw them across the room, slips her heels off, and finally takes her hair out from the tight bun to have her blonde hair fly across her shoulders.

"Now...that's better." Pacifica says as she grabs Dippers hand and starts to dance to the beat.

"But, I don't know the steps." Dipper says to Pacifica trying to back away but Pacifica grabs him again.

"Neither do I. Just stay with me. Don't think. just look at me."

The music starts and they were off. A little awkward at first but he starts to get used to it. He grins at Pacifica as he starts to get the rhythm of the steps.

"Wait, Stop!" Dipper tells Pacifica and they stop dancing.

He bends down, pulling off his black dress shoes, and then slides off his black jacket to be left in black socks, black dress pants, and a white undershirt, and then he passes them to Gideon and starts to dance with Pacifica again as the music speeds up.

The scene is loud and rollicking. A table gets knocked over by a drunk as he crashes into it. In the middle of the dance floor there is Pacifica and Dipper. Dipper not really acting all "Professional" Is actually dancing with her in his socked feet. The steps are fast and the both shine with sweat. A space opens around them, and people watch them, clapping as the band plays louder and faster.

Once the tune ends they go to a table all flushed and sweaty. Dipper grabs Gideon's cigarette and takes a big puff. He starts to feel cocky. Gideon grins a bit as he holds hands with Nora.

"How y'all doing?" Pacifica asks as she reaches the table.

"I don't know what to say, she didn't know what to say so, we got along fine." Gideon says as he smiles at Nora.

Then someone who was serving pint serves some to them and Dipper starts to chug his, showing off. Kinda worked too. It certainly grabbed Pacificas attention.

"What? You think a first class, rich boy can't drink?"

Everyone starts dancing again, and Tad crashes into Tyler Cutebiker making them spill their beer all over Dippers shirt. But Dipper laughs and doesn't care. But Tyler lunges and grabs Tad with their fists up.

"Get em! Get em!" He yells as he's about to punch Tad, Pacifica jumps in the middle stopping them.

"Hey! Hey! Did I ever tell you guys about the swede and the Irishman going to the whorehouse?" Pacifica says with a devilish smirk. Just trying not to get a fight going on just because someone spilled beer on a first class man.

"So, you think y'all are so tough? well then, let me see you guys do this!" Dipper exclaims as he grabs a full beer from a nearby table and chugs the whole thing down while everyone watches amused...especially Pazzie.

Once Dipper was done chugging after 2 seconds he slams the beer glass down on the table and gags. "Holy! I haven't done that in years!" He exclaims with excitement. Dipper starts to lose his balance but Pacifica catches him before he does and everyone laughs.

But little did they know, Stanley was watching from the door. He saw Pacifica hugging Dipper and the two of them laughing. He glares at the two before shutting the door.

                                ~20 minutes later~  

On the ship deck, you could see the stars overhead. So bright and clear you could see the milky way. Dipper and Pacifica walk along the row of lifeboats. Still slightly drunk from the party, singing a popular song "Come Josephine in My Flying Machine."

"Come Josephine in My Flying Machine!"

"And up she goes! Up she goes!"

"In the air she goes. Where? There she goes!"

They fumble on the words and once the song was done they burst out in laughter. They have reached the First Class entrance. But Dipper doesn't go in, not wanting this evening to end with Pacifica. Through the doors the sound of the ships orchestra plays gently. Dipper grabs the railing and leans forward a bit, watching the stars.

"Aren't they magnificent? So grand and endless." He says as Pacifica steps next to him and leans on the rail too. Pulled by the beauty of the stars...but none could compare with her.

"They are such small people crowd. They all think they're giants of the earth, but they're not even dust in Gods eye. They live in a tiny champagne bubble. Someday that bubble is going to burst." Dipper says as Pacifica leans on the rail closer to him, making their hands make slight contact. It is only the slightest touch made but they both felt their hearts flutter and sparks be set off.

"You're not one of them Dipper. There was a mistake."

Dipper chuckles a bit. "A mistake?"

"Yep. You got mailed to the wrong address." Pacifica says chuckling back.

"I did, didn't I?" Dipper says now laughing...little of them knowing their hands were holding each other.

Suddenly, Dipper points to the sky. "Look! a shooting star!"

"Wow, that was a long one. My father used to tell me whenever you saw one, it was another soul going to heaven." Pacifica smiles at the memory.

"I like that. If you could wish for someone who would it be? You're princess?" Pacifica says to Dipper as they both turn and look at each other. They were so close together if Dipper leaned down a couple of inches they could kiss. They both seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"So, who would you wish for?" Pacifica says as Dipper inches closer to Pacifica but then realizes what he was doing and pulls away.

He looks at her intently and says, "Someone I could never have."

He smiles sadly at her. "Goodnight Pac-" Dipper starts to say but Pacifica kisses him on the cheek cutting him off.

 "Goodnight Pac-" Dipper starts to say but Pacifica kisses him on the cheek cutting him off

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 She smiles at him and he slowly smiles back still stunned on what just happened. "Erm-thank you Pacifica and g-goodnight."

He suddenly bolts away from Pacifica and Pacifica realizes what she did and tries to apologize but it was too late.

"Dipper wait!" She calls out but he was already through the First Class door...back to his world.

I'm so sorry this chapter took so long to get out! I was busy with my other book I forgot about this one! I'm sorry y'all but I hope you enjoyed this and remember, stay 'Gleeful' and 'Never Let Go' ;)

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