I'm rooting for you

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Hashirama pinched the bridge of his nose and counted to five in his head before hissing into his phone "My kid is fucking sick. I won't come to work this week, ok?! I'll finish the project from here if I have time." When the secretary finally accepted his words Hashirama took a deep breath and calmly said "Ok. Thank you. Bye." He stuffed his phone in his pockets before walking back inside Tenzou's room ready to deal with whatever his kid was going to throw his way. Hashirama changed the wet towel on his forehead and Tenzou groaned softly; Hashirama made a soft crooning sound and petted his hair until he quietened down again then he just sat on the floor, his back against the wall.

Obito had been the first to come down with the flu just after their outing to the aquarium, passing it down to most of his classmates and to Kakashi, and now to Tenzou in an amazing chain of events that Hashirama knew would lead to Rin being sick, too, just to close the circle. Hashirama would be the lucky parent who ended up sick just when his kid got better, he just knew it. Hashirama sighed and got up to make some coffee when his phone went off with an incoming call.

"Hey. How's the shrimp doing?" "Ask me another question, Rama." Hashirama sighed tiredly resting against the kitchen counter. "How are you doing then?" "Do you hate me or something?" Hashirama whined pitifully retrieving a mug. His brother sighed annoyed and Hashirama ran a hand down his face before saying "The fever has yet to break but maybe, hopefully, he'll be better tomorrow. I don't know, Ko said to give him broth and wait it out." "If Ko said so, then..." "What am I supposed to do? Doctor said the same." They both sighed and remained quiet for a while. "How are you doing?" Hashirama asked while pouring his coffee and smiling slightly. Tobirama coughed a couple of times and Hashirama raised an eyebrow. "Well. Everything's fine. There's a lot going on now but we're doing fine." "We?" Hashirama asked softly before adding "That's good. More than good." "Thanks." Hashirama could picture his brother blushing and smiled brightly to himself, happy for his brother. "I have to go now but I'll call you later ok?" "Ok. Bye." Hashirama ended the call and shook his head before heading back to Tenzou's room.


Hashirama had just finished cleaning up the last of Tenzou's vomit from the floor when someone knocked on the door. He got up and grimaced at the stains on his t-shirt but ultimately didn't give a damn: whoever that was at his door would just have to deal with kid's vomit's stains. Hashirama nodded to himself and opened the door then stood there, stunned, when Madara waved his hand. "Yo." Hashirama could feel his lips parting the more Madara talked "So. I brought you some groceries and some medicines. The ones in the green can work like magic and Obito got better real quick so I thought that could be good... And, ah, Izuna told me tomorrow is your birthday so there are cupcakes in there, too, if you want to celebrate or something or maybe not? I think I'll just stop talking right now."

Hashirama stared for a moment longer then started to laugh quietly, pressing his hand to his mouth. He took the bag from Madara and when he grinned at him Hashirama could see the other relaxing. "Thank you. That's very sweet and... thoughtful of you. I would invite you in but I don't think that's a good idea, the kitten being sick and all." Madara nodded, understanding, and Hashirama smiled saying "Really. Thank you." "No problem." Madara stuffed his hands in his pockets and took a step back saying "Well. I think I'll go now. Hope the minion will get better soon."

Hashirama shifted the bag to his other arm and ran a hand through his hair before blurting "Ten and I will dress as cowboys for Halloween. Maybe we could all go together." Madara's lips parted and he muttered "Oh God, you're going to kill me." Then he said louder "Yeah. Sure. Awesome." He took another step back and quickly added "I think I'll go now before I say something really fucking inappropriate. So. Bye. See you soon." Hashirama bit his lips and then broke out into a big toothy grin, he waved at Madara saying "Thank you, Madara! See you soon!" before retreating back inside.

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