Chapter 2

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Ok so I'm going to apologize again. I promised this part would be out around Christmas. I'm so sorry. Ok so let's get on with the story!

"Here let me help you," said the southern accent that was haunting me.

"No it's fine," I said but he had already grabbed all of my books.

I glared at him as I took my books.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I rushed down the hall to the nearest bathroom.

What was wrong with me? Why did I like this new boy? I splashed water on my face trying to snap out of it.

"That's it I'm definitely going home," I said to myself quietly.

I dried my face and tried to fix my makeup a bit.

"Oh look who it is... the makeup won't make you prettier honey but you can keep trying," said a voice I hated all too much.

"Missy shut the crap up and leave me alone," I say eyeliner pencil in hand. "I will gouge your eyes out if I need to."

I put my makeup back in my bag and grabbed my books. Time to go home before I threaten another Barbie.

"Wait! Maya where are you going?!" Riley said grabbing my arm.

"Home," I say prying her hand off me. "I'll see you after school okay?"

"Okay... but you can't skip tomorrow," she says.

I stop at the nurses office first. I'm going to pretend to get sick rather than just leave. I don't think Lucas would like me skipping school. Wait, who cares what Lucas thinks right? Yet I still go to the nurses office anyway.

"Hello Maya. What's wrong?" the nurse says smiling politely.

"I have a pretty bad stomach ache and I'm a bit shaky," I wasn't even lying now. I felt pretty sick.

"Hmm let me take your temperature," she says grabbing a thermometer thing and sticking it in my ear. "100.1 in this ear. I guess we'll have to send you home," she says writing something on a slip.

"Can I walk home? I don't live that far," say kicking at the floor.

"Hmm, okay. Just this once. But let me call your mom so she knows."

"Thanks," I say smiling.

Once I got home I changed into warm pajamas and got in bed. When I woke up it had been a few hours. I grabbed my phone to see if Riley had tried to call me. Nope no Riley but there were a few texts from a number I didn't recognize. I unlock my phone to see.

???- Hey maya its me Lucas
Lucas- Riley told me you were sick hope u get better

Wait he hopes I get better? Why ?

Me- thanks.

I wait for a about five minutes before I realize this is stupid waiting for him to text back. I sigh to myself and go grab some water. I snuggle back into my covers and fall asleep.

I feel like that was super short. I'm really sorry guys. I promise to update next week and maybe tomorrow. I AM REALLY SORRY AND I LOVE YOU PEOPLES.

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