Complete Perfection

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A couple of weeks later is the day of Nikki's twelve-week scan, this has had Nikki up very early in the morning with mixed emotions about seeing her baby for the first time on a screen. Jack, on the other hand, had slept right through to his alarm clock went off, her appointment wasn't until twelve in the afternoon but Jack had become impatient like a child on Christmas Day and Nikki had been the complete opposite as she had been suffering from morning sickness the whole morning.

It's now Quarter to twelve, Jack and Nikki have just arrived at the hospital ready for their appointment on the maternity ward, when they get into the waiting room Nikki walks to the main reception and books herself in while Jack takes a seat in the waiting room. He chuckles to himself as Nikki walks back with some urgency in her face, "what's wrong with your face?" Jack chuckles as his fiancée takes a seat beside him.

Nikki shuffles in the seat and glances at him, "I need a wee, all that water I drank" she mumbles.
"You've got another ten minutes until the appointment goes to the toilet and start the is bottle of water when you get back, you can force yourself to hold it all for that period of time" Jack smiles softly as he picks up the bottom of water he had placed on the chair beside him and shows her. Nikki's eyes widen as she sees the bottom of water making her urgency for the toilet even worse, with that she dives from her seat and dashes to the toilets just outside the waiting room. Jack sits back in the chair and smirks, he gets his phone out to see his he has received any messages from work about a case he is working on.

Nikki soon arrives back from the toilet and sits back down beside Jack. "Better?" He chuckles and passes the extra bottle of water to her. Nikki sighs and begins to sip her third bottle of water in the past hour, as she absentmindedly sips her water she feels Jack's hand slip around her and his other hand falls to her stomach, "I can't explain how excited I am to see our wee one" Jack mumbles kissing her cheek.
"Jack you're like an impatient two-year-old who is demanding chocolate" She giggles between sips.
"How would you know what a two-year-old is like?" He asks curiously.
"Emma's eldest, Molly she was a handful as a toddler" Nikki explains with a giggle in her tone and Jack nods at her response.

"Nicola Alexander, please" a woman calls as she comes through a double set of doors with a clipboard. Nikki smiles at the woman and stands up collecting her handbag and heads towards the doors with Jack. "Room four please" she smiles happily, that is when Nikki's nerves set in. The last time she was in one of these rooms was the day she found out she miscarried their child, in a way it made her even more anxious about this appointment.

The pair enter the small room with posters on the walls about pregnancy and healthy lifestyles, there is a small desk with two chairs for patients to sit on, and on the other side of the room is an examination bed with a roll of disposable tissue over the bed next to an ultrasound machine.

The midwife introduces herself as Melanie and then gets on with the general questions about Nikki and dates of possible conception for the records, she also runs a few tests on Nikki due to her age and the notes received from the doctors' surgery about high potassium.

Next up comes the moment they have been waiting for, Nikki takes a seat on the bed and lays herself back as Jack joins her at her side and Melanie prepares to do the scan. Nikki slightly wriggles out of her jeans to allow full access to her stomach and then roll her top high up out the way. "Just to warn you this is going to be cold" Melanie smiles while picking up the gel and shaking the bottom, she squeezes some onto Nikki's stomach and smirks slightly as she watches Nikki jolt a little.

Jack takes hold of Nikki's hand as Melanie takes the doppler and presses it down onto Nikki's stomach, she begins to move it around her stomach as she looks at the screen which is turned away from the couple. Suddenly the room is filled with the sound of a very strong heartbeat, "there we go, one baby... growing away nicely" Melanie beams cheerfully turning the screen to the expectant parents.

Both Jack and Nikki are stunned by words as they both stare at the screen unsure of what to say or even do, "oh my god, there she is" Nikki smiles happily.
Jack snaps from his daze and looks at his fiancé, "she?" He speaks.
"Sorry... gut feeling" she explains and Jack nods slowly before returning his attention to the screen. "How perfect, look at its wee hands waving about" he speaks his heart-melting.

Nikki reaches for his hand again and keeps her eyes on the screen. Their hands connect and she squeezes his hand reassuringly. "Our baby" she smiles warmly. Melanie takes a few measurements as the expectant parents admire their child for the first time on the screen.

"Baby is around twelve weeks and six days, a little smaller than expected at this time in the pregnancy, but should catch up in no time, nice strong heartbeat and everything seems in order. We will be able to do more scans and tests at your twenty-week scan which I shall book you in for now, would you like a print off?" Melanie smiles.

"Of course" Nikki grins as she glances at Jack who's eyes have slightly glazed over with pure happiness.
Melanie hands Nikki some tissues to clean up the gel as she prints out a photo of their baby and then hands it to Jack while Nikki removes the gel from her stomach and sorts herself out.

Melanie runs through a few more things with them before booking Nikki in for her twenty-week scan in a few weeks time, after finishing up the pair leave the room and out of the waiting room, exiting the hospital. They both get into Jack's car where Nikki pulls her seatbelt on before getting her scan photo out her handbag and admiring it again, "I'm in love already" She says cheerfully.

Jack looks across at Nikki and smiles before leaning across and kissing her cheek, "same here, our wee baby is going to be the luckiest baby alive... now please can I tell me Da that you're pregnant" he grins.
"Well I'm out the danger zone now, and almost thirteen weeks I don't see why not" Nikki smiles giving him permission to tell his Dad about their news. With that he calls him up to see if he is home, which as normal he is home and they decide to make a detour to his flat to announce the news to him,

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