2 cool 4 skool

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"So let me get this straight, you lived with him and he somehow tolerated you? How?"

"I'm gonna ignore how rude you're being right now but for starters I didn't attack him anytime he insulted my hair."

"Well I can't help how mad I get, it's insulting to the person who saved me."

If Koichi hadn't butted in and told us to hurry up so we wouldn't be any later to school I would've strangled Josuke.

By some miracle when we got to the school gates there were still a considerable amount of people still going in, so we weren't too late thankfully.

"Hey Koichi, what class are you in?" I seemed to catch koichi off guard as we walked towards the school entrance.

"Huh? Oh uhm, 1-B, what about you guys?" I checked the piece of paper I scrawled the my class and locker number on. "Oh hell yeah, me and Josuke are in your class."

We split paths for a second to change shoes and then joined up again to keep talking mindlessly and make our way to class.

Again, thankfully when we got there people were still gathered in small groups talking to each other, so we weren't late on our first day at least.

We all took seats close to each other, me at the back of the classroom next to the window, Josuke in the seat next to me and Koichi one seat in front of Josuke. We started chatting, I got a few strange looks from other people, probably because they didn't recognise me, it's a small town after all.

Eventually the teacher walked in, ordering everyone to sit down and stop talking. He welcomed us all to a new school year and went over the same old boring new school year basics that all the teachers go through. After finishing that he started the role call.

Going down the list of names he read out "L/N Y/N, oh yes you must be the new student from England. I expect everyone to be nice to her." And continued to go down the list of names.

Whispers travelled around the room along with the odd side glance from chattering girls, sometimes even full on stares from the bolder girls, or the dumber girls, either of the two.

I started to get nervous, this was exactly what i didn't want to happen, but I was just thrown into the centre of attention straight away.

Josuke seemed to notice how nervous I got. "You good?" "Yeah aha, just a little nervous is all." "Relax, you're gonna be fine, and plus I've got your back, ok?" "Yeah..."

That calmed my nerves a little, but seeing me talk to Josuke seemed to strike another sea of whispers, some of the guys even joined in and I overheard a pair talking

"Aww man, why does Josuke always have to snatch up the hot chicks first, it's no fair."

Oh great, I'm nothing more than a hot chick to them. I decided to let them now that I heard them by shooting a dirty look straight at them, the guy who was listening to his friend whine noticed and poked him to let him know I was staring. He turned around and had nothing but the audacity to smile at me.

I huffed and rolled my eyes and looked out the window to stare at the Sakura trees just beginning to sprout outside.

Josuke's POV

I heard exactly what seemed to piss off Y/N, but I started to feel jealous that other guys were talking about her, even some of the girls were fawning over her.

Well then again who could help it, but they didn't have to say it like that, that's just gross.

It was funny how Y/N's mere presence seemed to stir up such a big fuss.

[REWRITE SOON] Unforgettable - Josuke X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now