And very short.

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Although I wasn't assigned the case, I knew all its ins and outs from a colleague and made multiple calls to get further insights and info on this intriguing case, I even contacted certain inmates in prison who lived with these criminals that I'm about to talk about, this Arstotzkan version of No pain no gain, I know the exact truth about it and I'm going to tell you about it.

In Salasosa the capital of Arstotzka lived a butcher who sold mashed meat and his children helped him in that craft. And that butcher had the shop on the lowest level of his house which was made of two levels. The first level was occupied by a lawyer and his family who were renting the place, they lived peacefully him and his wife and payed their duties in due date.

One day the butcher passed away, his children updated the place with multiple decorations and built-ins, they made it more suitable for their own generation almost like a coffee shop, people showed up to eat grilled burgers and hang around and it wasn't very long that the place got very famous in the city. And the children wanted to make the place even bigger, their father wouldn't hear of it if he was alive, he was more of an old school guy he wanted to keep things tight and as is and wouldn't accept the idea of reinvention, no matter how much they begged him to make changes he never listens to them.

But now that he was dead everything was possible for them; they made the shop much more bigger and placed more tables outside but still it wasn't enough for the clients who were swarming the place and stacking next to each other because the shop now attracted more fame than they had ever anticipated, so they sat around and kept thinking of a way to solve this tight situation that they were in. And then it popped in their heads if only the lawyer living above them would just leave, they would be able to make stairs and influx the crowded people to go above where they'll be able to eat and walk around in a much more spacious environment, so they started their negotiations with the lawyer.

"You must go out, we need the place now more than ever, and we wish that you do so in the next couple of days" they said to the lawyer who refuse blatantly saying that he pays his rent before it's date and that he isn't breaking any laws, and that he just can't do so because this is the place where he makes his living and that they will never be able to kick him out, and so the cold war started.

They began to raise literal smoke to his house from the chimney turning it left and right to his open windows. And so, the lawyer raised a complaint against them to the authorities saying that these people were provoking him describing all the methods they used to do so and how much the noise resulting from the coffee since their father had passed away prohibiting him from sleep and doing his work in a proper manner.

And so they went to court, and the court ruled in the lawyer's favor saying that he had the right, because the judges and jury were able to see that those guys wanted him out so badly. As a result, the lawyer had won and they weren't able to take their aggressive disturbance any further.

Their biggest brother a very infamous thug in the neighborhood who gained his reputation from multiple aggressions and was going in and out of prison, always played it out to be the big dog carrying katanas and knives around the street, screaming at people and picking on passengers and everyone that he crossed path with decided to pick on the lawyer even more, but he just couldn't get his way with the lawyer, the lawyer was impregnable and immune to his hefty deeds. He tried to bribe the mayor, tried to bribe the authorities, and the judge, he bumped up and down, left and right, only to come face to face with the reality that this specific lawyer wouldn't waver or hinge a bit.

He decided to kill him. Shared his decision with his younger brother, said there is only one way left to deal with this guy and it's to finish him off, I mean who does he live with, it's just him and his wife, and I'm willing to take them both off, if they disappear people would say that they just traveled or something.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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