Chapter 1 - The Mini Mart

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It was awful. It had been humid, wet, and rainy all month long. The wet droplets bursting leaving splatter shaped puddles on the dirty, cracked pavement.

"God why can't we have a single nice day here." The whispers slipping through her teeth, slightly grinding.

She went to go get some food from the mini mart on the corner of her neighborhood.

With the open sign flickering with bugs. You could just tell how old the place was. Small cracks in the glass that had been reflecting the blue Bud Light sign, the pavement wet from the rain, a line of disturbed ants crawling inside through the gap underneath the door that had been broken off by the poorly installed door that you have to shove open every time you need something. Gets annoying sometimes.

"Gross, I would already be out of this stupid, meloncholy town if it wasn't for mom." This time the whispers were louder than she intended grabbing the cashiers attention, he snapped back.

"Shut up your the one who wasn't in the will. Haha somebody got on there mom's bad side!" Ann was mad but decided to let it slide.

She didn't wanna talk anymore so she grabbed a can of pre-sliced peaches, a loaf of whole wheat bread and some milk, sliding a few extras in the sewn-in pockets she made in her jacket.

She could barely afford anything if she wanted to pay this months rent. She barely even had enough money to pay for gas, leaving it up to her to walk to the laundry-mat every Sunday.

She tried to pay but her card declined, once again. The cashier wasn't happy with her especially because it was the 3rd time this month.

"Hey! It's Annietia right." A little kid probably around first grade or so ran up to her.

"Ann" She snapped.

That name made her cringe, bringing back unpleasant memories of her mom.

"You're the girl who used to play basketball at my elementary school with the ragged blue ball right?"

That's odly specific why would he know exactly what kinda ball I had... That gave her goosebumps.

"...yeah so what kid, go away and chew on some twizzlers or whatever kids do."

The little boy continued with her, sloshing his feet in the cold stream of water running down the curb.

"I said scram kid, get lost."

"Can I see your house?" The little boy sounded curious.


"Please." He pleaded

"I said no."

"Oh come on, pretty please with a-" Ann cut him off as soon as she heard that phrase. This kid is just like me, pushy and annoying.

"Shut up kid I already said no kid, no means no." The shaking in her voice made it sound like she was about to cry.

"Here take this-" She handed the kid a bag of chips and a butterscotch lollipop both of which she had stolen from the trashy mini mart.

The kid finnaly gave up and walked away.

"Bye mrs. Annietia."

"Shut it, I told you it was Ann"

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