Two Worlds.

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"It's the only thing that defines the battle between the two worlds that mirror each other."

 "The only outcomes are and sadness."

 "There is only but one victor."

 "And that is death."

 "Father?" A small child asked after her father stopped reading. "What are humans like?" The girl questioned.

 Her father gave the girl a sharp glare at the question. "I've answered this question millions of times, Yamiko. Humans are brutal and evil! They killed your mother!" His stern and deep voice made the little girl tense. "But.. The old man said not all humans are evil.. He says some are very nice.." Yamiko softly hushed while sheepishly looking away from her fathers raging expression. "A-and he says Assiah Isn't as scary as you say.." Yamiko looked up forcefully, her arms shaking. "And I wanna go to Assiah sometime!"


 A large hand crashed into the girls face. "YOU ARE TO NEVER GO YOU ASSIAH! YOUR MOTHER WAS KILLED BY THOSE FILTHY HUMANS AND YOU WILL NOT SUFFER THE SAME FATE! YAMIKO, YOU ARE A DEMON! AND DEMONS LIVE IN GAHANNA!" The demons voice exploded in anger, shocking his daughter as she fell against the floor.

 Yamiko's silvery white hair covered her golden eyes as they filled with water. Her small hand reached up and touched her bruised cheek softly, causing it to sting as her finger touched it.

 The six year old shook uncontrollable, clenching her tiny fist then stood up with her head lowered as he faced her dad. A burning sense of hatred boiled in her thick blood as she refused to cry.

 ".. Yes father.."

9 years later:

 "Rin." Mr.Okumura echoed. Rin quickly woke up as the back of his chair was kicked, jumping up and looking around. "Eh?" He blinked. Yukio sighed hopelessly, asking his brother to repeated what he just said. Of course, Rin had no answer.. Well.. He didn't have the correct answer. In the back, he could hear Bon muttering to himself.

 Rin peered back over his shoulder at the rooster boy with narrow eyes.



 Three soft knocks tore apart the argument that was about to start. All eyes glanced towards the door that slowly opened.

 "Um.. Hello?"

 A soft voice broke the curious silence as a women in a teachers uniform poked her head out. "Mr.Okumura?" The lady pushed her glasses closer to her face as she stepped inside. "Sorry to interrupt, but you wouldn't answer your phone. There has been a demon without classification had been spotted inside the city. So far six have been injured with no lives lost and the demon looks as if it's nowhere near exhaustion. We need more exorcists to help, if they can." The women peeked at the students then back at the teacher.

 Yukio deeply sighed then looked at the students who were learning forward in their seats, eyes filled with hope.

 "Yeah.. I'll help." The exorcist swallowed then quickly dismissed the class and followed the women. "Yukio!" The older bother skipped after his twin to catch up. Yukio glanced over his shoulder to see him being followed. "You're going to come?" He asked, Rin nodding with a bright grin. Yukio turned forward without talking. His mind was swirling around the thought of an unknown demon entering True Cross. It was strange.. Up until now, he had thought all demons had been discovered. Maybe it really was an already identified demon, just with different features to make it hard to distinguish.

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