Part Two

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Gon wasn't sure what to make of Shinobu at first, she smiled and spoke so kindly but she felt so different and he didn't know why. But to keep himself out of trouble- which was something he'd had to learn to do with Killua unable to keep him in line, he'd listened to what she'd told him to do through his checkup. Before she started she's asked him to put his bag to the side, before he could panic Tanjirou was there telling him he'd hold it until Shinobu was finished. Tanjirou hadn't given him any reason to not trust him so far so he reluctantly parted with his bag and glanced at it often throughout his check-up.

"Well, other than your feet and some normal scrapes and bruises you seem to be in good shape in only a little dehydrated at the most," Shinobu concluded as she wrote something down on a clipboard, she looked up and smiled at him causing Gon to lightly blush. "I'll be right back with some bandages and ointments, just sit tight for now. Okay?" She chirped as she stood and Gon nodded before she walked off closing the sliding door behind her. He turned his attention over to Tanjirou who had been silently sitting on a stool in the corner of the room where he wouldn't get in the older woman's way with Killua secured gently in his lap, the older boy smiled at him and stood up before making his way to the bed Gon sat on. He sat down by the foot of the bed and slowly lowered the bag onto the sheets of the bed between them.

"He kept moving around in there, I guess he's getting worried about you again," Tanjirou remarked, and as if on cue Killua nudged the flap on the bag open staring up at his best friend with wide blue eyes and Gon laughed softly before picking up the small cat and putting him in his lap. Tanjirou smiled again and stood from the bed, he moved over to the only window in the room and secured the curtains so only the light from the candle lamp illuminated the room. Gon sent him a grateful smile as he moved to sit down next to him again. "I already informed Miss Shinobu about your situation, while she was hesitant at first she's willing to wait for what Mr. Oyakata decides on," Tanjirou informed him and Gon nodded slowly as he looked down at Killua and let the kitten play with his outstretched index finger.

"Thank you," He mumbled and Tanjirou's smile softened as he gazed at the younger.

"You're welcome, it's the least I could do," He replied and glanced down at Killua who was now staring at him with blank eyes, the young slayer slowly reached out to the demonic feline and let his hand hover in the air right in front of Killua's tiny nose. Killua leaned forward and sniffed his fingers before standing and nudging his hand with his head, Tanjrou's smile widened as he took it as a sign that Killua had deemed him trustworthy. Killua let out a low rumbling purr as he padded off of Gon's lap and began to knead the fabric of Tanjirou's trousers, Gon watched on with a small smile and tears in his eyes that he quickly blinked away.

"I guess, he means to say he likes you," Gon remarked and Tanjirou chuckled as he scratched behind Killua's left ear receiving a small mewl in response. It filled him with joy to see another person try to understand Killua as he did, Tanjirou not only understood Gon's situation but was going through it as well. He accepted Killua and had even managed to befriend in the little time he'd gotten to know the demon, what shocked him was how easily Killua warmed up to the older boy. Killua had always been wary of strangers and adults even as a human and that trait and managed to bleed into his new personality as a demon when he sensed another human nearby he always grew more protective of Gon which made sense considering how nearly everyone reacted with screams of terror or death threats directed to the white-haired male.

Shinobu came in shortly after their conversation died down and both of them took turns entertaining the small kitten that rolled around the bedding and pounced on their hands. The female took one look at Killua and smiled gently but otherwise said nothing and began to tend to Gon's damaged feet, Killua moved to sit in his friend's lap again and watched intently as Insect Pillar did her work. When she was finished she looked up at Gon and smiled before looking at Killua who was trying to lean forward and get a good sniff of her. She chuckled behind her hand before reaching out and letting him sniff her, Killua's eyes widened momentarily before he sneezed and shook his head rapidly but then looked back at her and meowed in approval.

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