Chapter One

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         The library is quiet, not that it's surprising. Libraries are a dying art, with eBooks, online stores, mobile computers, etc. But that is exactly why I wanted this job, it's laid-back and I am able to visit the God's realm frequently. The gods and goddesses have started to enjoy Earth spoils. 
        Once I lock up, I place the return books on their shelves and walk out, heading towards my apartment. The night is dark and the summer breeze feels good on my bare legs. Hundreds of years ago we gods were worshiped and praised, now, people only worship a God, if they worship one at all. This has helped us blend into mortal society. Now they hear our names, we are myth and we just so happen to be named after the fictitious gods. 
        Some Gods such as Zeus, Demeter, Hera and others mostly stay in the gods realm. Other minor Gods come to Earth to cause mischief and mayhem.  
        I am here to avoid my loveless marriage. Even in the gods realm I live separately from him, now it's much easier while I spend my time here in the Mortal Realm. 
        Hephaestus, is a cruel husband, he has never been kind to me. Blessedly, he has left me to live my life how I choose. I live on my own in both worlds, consumed by my work. 
        A motorcycle revs nearby and I look up, seeing a tall man, sitting at a nearby traffic like, looking straight at me. Once he notices my attention he revs again. Raising a brow, I turn a corner and don't look back. Boys like that don't impress me in the slightest. 
        After twenty minutes I arrive at my small apartment, making my way up to the third floor.  My feet ache and I close the door shut and lock it behind me. My small Jack Russell terrier dog, more brown than white, runs around the living room before stopping in front of me.  
        With a smile, I sit on my couch, pulling the small dog up beside me, rubbing his soft head. "Such a good boy, Max,"  I whisper, leaning my head back against the soft couch cushions, looking at the photos of me and Max, friends I've made here on Earth, and even Persephone who stays with me often. 
        Ever since I left my husband I haven't taken a lover. Not out of disinterest of other men or loyalty to Hephaestus, but because I haven't found anyone worth giving my time. 
        In two months a gathering at the God will take place on Olympus. Party, drink, throwaway responsibilities for a night. Dread curls in the pit of my stomach when I think about it.  Olympus  is toxic. The Gods full of cheating spouses, backstabbing friends and aggressive men. I've sworn to myself never to be with a god.
        My phone makes a twinkling sound and when I look at the sender my dread falls away. It's Persephone.
        'I am outside.' 
        Before I can even reply, my door bursts open and Persephone saunters in.  Max looks up, giving a mildly disturbed glare at Persephone, before resting his head back onto my leg. 
        "Well, hello," I say. 
        "You, me, drinks and dancing." 
        I groan.  "Tonight?" 
        She smiles brightly, tossing her dark hair over her shoulder. "Yep, Hades is already at the bar." 
        "Can't we just stay in?" 
        Persephone is in her late teens and has discovered a deep love for clubbing. She also enjoys dragging me around with her. She yanks me up off the couch and shoves me towards the single bedroom. She roots through my closet and I give into the bubbling excitement of going out. I run a brush through my long, brown waves, slipping into an emerald green mini dress and strappy black heels, my only makeup lip gloss. 
        "Damn, girl. If you don't find a man tonight then they must be blind." 
        I roll my eyes, grabbing a small clutch purse, Persephone and drags me out the door and I say a goodbye to my dog who is already half asleep. The bar we practically run to is a block away and the music is so loud we can hear it all the way down the street.  
        We skip the long line and the bouncer lets us in. The smell of alcohol and sweat is prominent in the warm air. We make our way into the bar and Hades, a tall man with long black hair, turns grinning at Persephone then me. "You both made it."  
        "Sorry it took so long, this old granny was being difficult about coming." 
        Hades laughs and a man beside him turns, Ares. 
        "You didn't tell me anyone else would be here," I murmur to Persephone. 
        Her young face flushes. "You wouldn't have come, plus, Hades wanted a friend instead of being a third wheel." 
        "Persephone, you know I try not to associate with other gods." 
        "I know, but it's okay, please don't go. You don't have to talk to him." She shifts from foot to foot, chewing her lip. 
        Reining in a sigh, I forced a smile and nod. She squeals and drags me out onto the dance floor.


       After a few hours of dancing, I make my way to the bar. "Martini on the rocks please," I tell the waitress. 
        Swiftly she makes my drink and I lay down forty dollars, leaning against the bar. A dark figure to my right slides closer and warm breath caresses my cheek. "If you'd spoken to me, I would have bought your drink, Goddess of Love." Ares voice is low and smooth. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't sexy.
        Raising a brow, I keep my head straight forward, looking at the dance floor. "I am quite capable of buying my own drink." There's a slight bite to my words and I hear a smirk slide its way onto his mouth. 
        "Oh, I do not doubt that, pretty Goddess. If you don't want me to pay for your drink, how about a dance?"
        I scoff. "What makes you think I would accept a dance from you?" 
        "Believe it or not, some women find me charming," he says smoothly. 
        I laugh. "I am not most women, God of War," I say, turning to face him, flicking my gaze up then down.  A gesture that would cause lesser men to feel self conscious, but not him. Not an Olympian, much less the god of war.
        His hair is stylishly mussed, a close fitting black shirt sculpting his broad chest and thick forearms, jeans a dark denim, hanging low on his hips. Behind him, a leather jacket with a patch on the back claiming the seat he vacated. 
        When my eyes meet his, he grins showing off all his sparkling white teeth. He is a handsome man and if I were more honest with myself I'd say he is breathtaking, but I can only imagine the arrogance I have yet to fully witness. 
        I notice the drink in his hand and turn back to the waitress. "Can you make him another scotch please? Top shelf." She gets to work on his drink and as she slides him the glass I slap a hundred on the counter, whipping myself back towards the dance floor. "Keep the change." With that I saunter away, feeling his gaze burn into my back. 
        Good. Let him see just who he is messing with. I am no docile goddess.


        Men and women move their bodies, swaying their arms in the air or holding tight to one another, eyes closed, letting the music guide them.


This right here is why us Gods decided to partake on Earth. Humans live so differently, living because they know they never will again. They stay in the moment letting their feelings and their environment shape them into something beautiful and incredible. It's almost like a drug to us immortals. We get drunk off of their energy. Feeding off of it until we can feel a sense of what they do.

Persephone and I lose ourselves in the music, absorbing their energy, feeling more intoxicated than any alcoholic drink. Hades joins us on the floor, pulling Persephone close, taking advantage of the sensual music. That's something that's the same in both realms. The pounding of the base resonating deep into my core, and several others if the space between, or lack thereof, peoples hips is any indication.

I tip my head back, letting my body become languid and loose, closing my eyes. Warm bodies press all around me, sweat beading on my brow and neck, my hair swinging behind me. This is a feeling that will never become old. My heart beats slowly, throbbing hard against my chest.

My breathing becomes deep and heavy, as though I were in the throes of passion. My hips gyrate and sway. The bodies around me press so close that I don't feel the dark presence behind me, until hands grab my hips, pulling me into a hard, hot body.

"Dance with me."

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