Chapter 2 of The Allure

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"Is this the light to freedom or to my hellfire?"

Tell me, my love, with your sugar-coated cherry sweet words intoxicating me on my death bed.

As Freyja lay in a corner of the study, he got a call. Her mind raced to the sparse possibilities of a better future. 'But is there a better future for you?' Asked a small voice which she had dismissed profusely from her pre-planned life. The voice was now making sense, it always did but she was a coward.

A foolish unsophisticated rat that believed this world was nothing but rainbows and stars. One that ignored all the warnings Mother Nature had shown to her child to prevent this from happening.

Oh if  only she knew that rainbows were formed after a heavy storm and that stars burn themselves profusely to reach Mother Earth's atmosphere.

She felt lost. Was she really lost? She did not know the answer to that. The void ran through her veins. Vulnerability engraved into her like that of a goat marked for slaughter. The little voice in her mind finally achieved freedom and was working on pushing every bit of reality she ignored back into her. Her mind searched for answers relentlessly. What was the question in her mind then? 'Is this what I deserve? After years of tolerating everything thrown at me... is this the result that I deserve? Was wanting someone to understand and love me my biggest mistake? It surely has been.'  All these thoughts added to the uncertainty of her future shoved her to the brink of insanity.

She blamed him for her cowardly actions. She could not accept the fact that she had not questioned her parents on the marriage. Yes, our parents want the best for us but do they turn out right at times? No. It was their way of showing they love us. But did her parents marry her to this beast of a man out of love? No. It was purely out of financial benefits and their hatred of women being in power. She turned a blind eye to the truth and preferred to stay in her little hole because she did not want to get to such 'drama'. She wanted things to be 'easy' as she did not want to fret about 'big girl things' like how her mom used to tell her.

This infuriated her. It was her fault and she was in no position to accept it. She let them take advantage over her life. She let it all happen and she hated that this was the truth so instead she decided to blame it all on him.

She decided to blame him for his cowardice to tell his parents that he wasn't interested. But in truth, she knew he too wanted the financial benefits provided by her parents. After all he had viewed her like a disease from the day they met on their wedding day to this present minute and in the future. This man broke her. Took everything she had for his benefit. He had no pity for her. Why would he? She's a nobody to him after all. It was her foolishness to believe that he would come around to love her. What was her future? 'You have none.' whispered the voice. She believed that voice without ever reasoning, after all that's how she was brought up. A submissive woman brought up by misogynistic parents.

"I am tired of being a coward", were her final words before she gave into the thoughts fed to her by the devil resting on her shoulder.

'Who am I?'

'A nobody.'

'What is my purpose in life?'

'You have no purpose in life.'

'What will my future be of?'


'Will it be worth it?'

'For sure.'

These were the thoughts ringing in her head in a loop. They were precisely formed due to her lack of control over her emotions. She had been caged all her life which made it hard for her to handle such complex situations. She craved for genuine happiness, love and affection for once. But what she never realized what that she expected these from the wrong people. She shut down all of her reasoning and began taking decisions with her emotions that she was yet to sort out. Under all that anger, hate, sadness lay the desperation of a lost child. She never realized that until too late. There was always a choice for her but she was too blind to take notice of it due to her own insecurities.

She decided her future at that very moment.

'I will destroy his happiness just like he did to mine. I shall be his last sight and destruction'. This poor soul decided to seek peace in revenge but little did she know that revenge was as disastrous as her current choice.

Her husband sat on the chair facing opposite to her. Scowling at her like he saw something utterly disgusting. "Sign it. Now."  She slowly walked up to the desk, standing, observing his movements. He watched her every movement like a predator although that was completely wrong, the predator was her. Just before she began signing the papers, she watched him space out and she took that as her opening to smash the glass paperweight on the forefront of his head. She expected it to break into pieces upon contact instead it only cracked. Unfortunately it only made him bleed and was not sufficient to knock him out or do worse.

He held his head in his hands while getting up. What she did next surprised her too! She look the night lamp hit him near his Adam's Apple which forcefully lowered his blood supply to the arteries in-turn making him faint. Freyja obviously did not know how she knocked him out and thought that luck was finally on her side. It had never been luck but the devil's touch to her fate.

This was only the beginning to her end.

/////////// author's note :

LMAO not @ me being cliché and blaming her actions on the devil! And please don't think that Freyja is being overdramatic. She is using her emotions to guide her and not her reasoning. Like she ever used that part of her brain but oh well~ Idk how a person can be this fragile but it also makes sense yk..... like this poor child never lived life like us. Not even like us desi children LMAO- *ded* *sigh*Ik I am a bad author for not even reviewing the story but whatever. 

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!! Survive another 365 days cause I know you can do it!

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