The dinner at Godrics hollow

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Lily's POV
I was making dinner while James was watching Harry.I felt a bit lonely nowadays with just the three of us.Sirius is in hiding himself because he is the most likely person to be our secret keeper.Peter is avoiding us for some reason.Well,maybe it was because of the war and Remus was away on a mission for the order .

As for the girls, Marlene was murdered a few months ago (I still cry when I think about it).Alice was in hiding herself because Neville was the other boy the prophecy referred to and Jasmine was away on an order mission .I've told that girl to go into hiding about a thousand times because she is the second most likely person after Sirius to be the secret keeper. Thank God she at least puts a disillusionment charm on herself before going out.

"Lily , are you alright. "James said

"Yes,I'm fine."I reply

"Listen lils ,I know you aren't fine, the chicken is burning."

"What? Why didn't you tell me earlier?

"I was in the living room . Lily , I know you were thinking about something. You just don't let the food burn everyday ."

"Fine," I reply, " I was thinking about everyone ,all our friends and Mia ."

"Lilyflower, " he began and I couldn't help but smile," I know you're worried about Mia but she can take care of herself and she puts a disillusionment charm on herself whenever she's out . You don't need to worry."

Thanks James, that really helped me, "I said

"I know it did ,"he said as he kissed me. 

We kissed for about a minute before there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it,"I said and moved towards the door and opened it .         

"Lily," was all I heard before being engulfed into a hug. I broke the hug to see who it was, it was Mia, "Mia, "I  said, " so you're back huh." 

"Yes ,yes I'm back ." She said

Jasmine's POV

Lily and I were catching up on things when I heard a cry of "Mia, is that you ."

"Yes James, it's me."I replied 

"Good to see you." He said

Cut the formalities  James. "I replied

" Oh, I'm hurt ." He said in a mock pained voice.

"Shut up you idiot. "I said as all three of us burst into laughter.

"Anyway, what's for dinner " I asked. By the looks on their faces I understood that dinner was not ready . "Umm well, "lily began, "I was making dinner and  I er- got lost in thought and it got burnt."

"It's alright I've got all the time in the world."I replied 

"Alright then," James said "lily and I will go make dinner and you can play with Harry. "

"Yeah sure," I said

It was an enjoyable night at the Potters.I had a lot of catching up to do with James and lily and Harry was simply adorable, zooming around on his toy broomstick. It was just like old times with no war to worry you.I left the Potters at around nine and apparated to nearby my home.

By nearby I mean about  a half an hour walk. But I like to walk. During my walk I was lost in thought about my childhood. How lily got her letter and I was really really happy about it although a tiny bit envious  about how she got to go to hogwarts. 

I was not as jealous as Petunia though, I was still very happy for her while Petunia started becoming outright mean because of jealousy to Lily. Then next year I got my letter and I was thrilled. When I was getting sorted I really wanted to be in gryffindor with Lily .

Well , I did get my wish.I was absorbed in other memories of my first year when I felt my hands being grasped tightly by  two people. When I turned to where they were holding my arms to try and free myself I realized that I forgot to put a disillusionment charm on myself.

I would have slapped myself for forgetting if my hands weren't held together.  I turned around to see who my captors were and saw their faces under the black hoods they were wearing.

Alecto and Amycus Carrow

A/N I'm sorry the first chapter was a bit late . I'm planning on doing a chapter a day or every other day depending on how busy I am . Hope you enjoyed . Any feedback will be appreciated. 



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