somewhat truths

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Jasmine's POV
Mia woke up in different surroundings than she remembered. She was lying on a soft bed. She hadn't been this comfy ever since ever since the Carrows kidnapped her. That's when she remembered, it had been 18 years years since she was kidnapped by the Carrows, 18 years.

She had just met her nephew, who was now 19 years old . The questions in her mind were endless. Was Voldemort gone? Did they find out who the spy in the order was? Had Sirius found someone else? Did James and Lily have more kids ? Did everyone start leading peaceful lives free of war? Had Harry and Neville grown up in a Voldemort free world? The list was endless.

She decided that she would have to ask someone if she wanted any answers. She opened her eyes to find herself in a really big bedroom , she was about to sit up when she heard a voice say "You're weak , lie down."

She turned her head to see Harry and the others sitting next to the bed she was lying on.

"Where are we ?" She asked

"Potter manor " Neville said

"I see you've renovated the place." Jasmine said

"Well yes , but we didn't remove the pictures and we didn't change my dad's or Sirius's rooms." Harry said

"That was a wise choice Harry , they would've probably murdered you if you striped their rooms down. "Jasmine said and she was sure she saw darkness flicker through his eyes, probably at the thought of James' and Sirius's reaction if Harry had remodeled their rooms.

"Where are they living right now,do you have any siblings ." She asked , deciding that this was a good point to start on.

"Er- I'm an only child." Said Harry "but Ron ,Hermione,Neville and Luna are basically like siblings to me."

"What about Ginny ." She asked in a sly voice

"Well, Ginny and I are dating ." Harry said

"Oh," She said "and you still haven't told me where they live ."

"Um" Harry started but Ginny interrupted him.

"They live at godrics hollow."

"How are Sirius ,Remus and Peter doing?" She asked and this time too Ginny answered her.

"Sirius is doing alright, he lives at grimmauld place and as far as I know he isn't in a relationship." Ginny stated , the last bit had relieved her of half the anxiety, she and Sirius could hopefully pick things up where they left  them, she gazed at the engagement ring on her hand fondly smiling to herself.

"You and Sirius were dating , weren't you ." Hermione asked with a smile on her face.

"No, actually we're engaged ." Jasmine said and she thought she saw everyone's smiles drop for a fraction of a second before they returned. Were they not happy that she and Sirius were engaged ?"

"Congratulations, er- what should I call you?" Harry said

"You can call me aunt Mia and the rest of you can call me Mia and also I think it's a bit late for congratulations."

"You know , it's honestly a bit funny imagining Sirius proposing to a girl ." Ron said , earning himself a smack from Hermione.

"Anyway , you mentioned Sirius lives at grimmauld place. I just can't imagine him doing that , he hates that place." Mia said

"Oh, he renovated it." Luna said in a very dreamy voice.

"Yeah, it's actually really nice in there." Neville added

"What about Remus and Peter?" She asked

"Oh ,Remus's got a place near the Tonks's with Tonks and Peter lives with Sirius." Ginny said and Mia wondered why Ginny was always the one who was answering her questions.

"Wait , who's Tonks?" She asked

"Tonks is Remus's wife , they have a son named Teddy." Hermione said

"So,Remus I'll never get married Lupin has a son now ,huh." She said "Anyway, Neville ,how are Alice and Frank doing." She asked

"Um,they're great." He replied

"That's great,  have they left willow cottage." She asked

"No, they still live there ,although they go over to grans so sometimes." Neville said

"Luna,you're a Lovegood right,  are you related to Xenophilius Lovegood."

"Yes,he's my father." Luna said and let's just say that Mia wasn't surprised.

"Anyway,that's enough chit chat , you need to rest ." Hermione said

"Gosh Hermione ,you could beat Madam Pomfrey ." Ron said , causing Hermione to smack him lightly while everyone else snorted , but Mia noticed that Hermione had a small smile on her face.

"Are you a healer , Hermione." Jasmine asked out of curiosity.

"No I'm actually working in the ministry , on rights for creatures we think are inferior to us , like werewolves and house - elves." Hermione said

"Actually she started with house elves , remember spew Ron." Harry said and Jasmine wondered what spew was but before Ron could answer Harry , Hermione spoke up.

"It's not spew ,its S-P-E-W , society for the promotion of elfish welfare."

"Yeah,but hiding elf clothes in the common room wasn't the best idea." Said Ginny and Jasmine had to admit that that would just make most house elves angry.

"Yeah, I remember only dobby used to clean the gryffindor common room, he told me about it one day." Said Luna

"I accept defeat, let's just move on, shall we." Hermione said, sounding a bit exasperated

Harry got some food from the kitchen and she ate as she had never eaten before ,the food tasted so good . Maybe it was because she hadn't had any proper food in nineteen years . She was done in ten minutes,  which was really fast considering the amount of food that was on her plate . She was about to drink some dreamless sleep potion when she remembered something.

"Wait , is Voldemort gone? "

"Yes" Said Harry with a smile on his face.

A/N I'm so sorry the update took a week, and it wasn't even a good chapter. But updates are going to be a bit slow until the twenty fourth cause I have exams. So if anyone's still here , I thought I'd attach my favorite Harry Potter tribute.
Sivna 😙😙

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