Chapter 3

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-Len POV-

Owing to his occupying of the bed, I had fallen asleep curled on my desk chair, headphones still on. I was awoken by a hand roughly shaking my shoulder. Looking sleepily upwards, I saw a pair of narrowed green-blue eyes. “Just telling you-I’m leaving now. Thanks for your help-didn’t need it though. Now, you better get your beauty sleep-wouldn’t want little Len looking bad for his concerts.” He laced the word ‘concerts’ with a particular venom. Grunting from the pain in his back, he stalked out of my room, and a minute later I heard the front door slam.

What was the stupid idiot doing? Sony could be out there searching for him! I couldn’t just let him go, so I stumbled after him, rubbing sleep from my eyes, thankful that I was still dressed from yesterday.

Skidding out of the door, into the darkened street, I saw the familiar head of silver hair walking away at a slow pace, probably because of the wounds that still covered him. “Piko! Wait!” I called, running towards him.

“You call me Utatane!” he shouted back, not turning to face me.

“Okay then, Utatane… WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” I reached him, circling round until I was I front of him.

He stopped. “Get out of my way,” he said, face expressionless. “I asked for your help, yes; but not your goddamn pity. And in case you forgot, you’re the reason I’m like this in the first place-you couldn’t be bothered to check your fucking phone! Now get lost.”

“No! I’m not going to let you go back! Sony will be looking for you!” I stood my ground in front of him.

His expression hardened, and before I knew it, his hand slapped my cheek, with enough force to knock me back a step.

Shocked, I stared up at him, cradling my face. Tears were swimming in my eyes, not from the pain, but from the fact that he, Piko, had actually hit me. His own hand went to his mouth, and I saw a flash of guilt cloud his eyes. “Oh, god! I-I’m sorry…I really didn’t mean to do that!”

I shook my head, turning away, the tears beginning to slip out of my eyes. I walked back to my house, shoulders sagged. I mean, I knew that Piko didn’t like me, but I didn’t think he would take it that far, to hit me. I heard footsteps running after me. “Len! Er, Kagamine! I didn’t mean to do that!”

“Well you did it anyway, didn’t you?” I said, unable to hide the break in my voice.

Silence. I turned around, and saw Piko trudging away again.

Crying for real now, I fled to the safety of my room.

-Piko POV-

I saw the tears begin to glisten in his eyes as he tentatively touched the red mark on his face where my hand has struck him. Why had I done that? I mean, I really didn’t like him, but-no, scratch that. It wasn’t that I didn’t like him-I was jealous of him, and I had spent so long alone and friendless that when someone actually offered help and kindness, I assumed they were lying and drove them away. And that was what I was doing to Len. At that moment, I would’ve probably given the world to just start over with him, erase all the horrible things I had said when he had only been trying to help. Before I could get any of this out, however, he had turned away, heading home, angrily brushing the salty drops from his cheeks as he walked. I ran desperately after him, hoping that somehow I could repair the damage I’d done. “Len! Er, Kagamine! I didn’t mean to do that!”

He didn’t pause in his stride. “Well, you did it anyway, didn’t you?” he asked, voice hitching.

I almost cried myself-but I didn’t want him seeing that. I turned, walking to the park, trying to think of a way to recover Len’s favour.

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