Chapter XV: Inny Minny Miney Mo

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I never expected much of that little army. They were a piece of cake, and to top it all off I actually got a kick out of that. Seeing what they did to Yukay took me off edge, usually when that happens I'll go into Angry mode. In that mode, I only wrote it so that I can use my inner potential when I need to, the other white-aura and intense body changes happened almost naturally- can't really make words for it. When I'm angry, something inside of me brightens, but even as bright as it feels- darkness seems like it's hugging down on it with dear life. Whispering it's ways into the cracks of the light, like black on white.

Often I'd reminisce on the first time I started writing my spells. Having this weird and special magic to actually write them out, and being the immature brat that I was- I had an artillery of tricks up my sleeve that barely anyone really knew about, including Yukay. Heck, even some I forgot- I'm sure of it. Just last year someone reminded me of a battle Yukay and I fought together. I wrote a replica of Yukay in the form of a girl-- weird but apparently we won that battle with just their efforts combined. Sometimes I wake up and things are like- blank. Like a white sheet of paper that I have to start anew.

By now, I reached inside the North, my swift step ability which seemed almost like teleportation only gets me so far but it was enough to blindsight my way in. It was clear I didn't have much experience with alot of my magic but that's because, sheesh these guys rarely ever give me a shot to use it- and if it's like that then why the heck do I need to train spells I wrote, when I can just write new ones right? Anyway, my body was still all tingly, and I was approaching the locals. There were alot of on-lookers, trembling in fear as if they're witnessing the Destroyer of All walk right before them. It felt alittle easing, had to admit- but I'd never lay my hands on the innocent- unless I needed too.

Valsorra's Soldier #1: "Hault!"

I looked to the call, and immediately my adrenaline kicked in.

Kysenorra(Me): "Are you going to show me where your leaders hide? Or are you going to die for them too. Let's make this quick, I'm on a stop clock."

A Group of Valsorra's Soldiers, the Witch of the South, had been stationed in a path I was crossing. The North was a snowy field, even the towers could be seen covered in snow. The roads were barely visible and the buildings were flooded with icicles. All over, was lit candle torches, and campfires- almost like I stepped right into the slums.  They could use some cleaning up here I figured, so why not.

Valsorra's soldiers were blunt. I liked that, straight to the point. Two of them dashed straight at me and swung down their weapons. A giant axe in one hand, and in the other a broad sword. I leaped back watching both of them cling together. In that second, I pointed my finger at their weapons and-

Kysenorra(Me): "Mine!!" with a shout, my hair and evereything must've fluttered and flared again I could also feel my magic bubbling up again inside. Their weapons were pulled into my grasps, one took harder to pull than the other given the one holding the Axe was like 9ft tall and definitely stocked with a ton of muscle. Once I got them, I destroyed them, they burned in white flames in the tips of my hands, and then I blew the ashes into a ball of white energy.

Kysenorra(Me): "Yours!"

And that it was, this white ball of energy that I have no idea how I manipulated was definitely meant for them. I pushed it with ease, and it shot dramtically at like- probably 100mph. I got to see their eyes light in surprise before watching it clash into their armor and blow them away. I liked that look, it gave me the feels I deserved. Being the daughter of some high priest who I never even met, it some how made me a target during school days. Who would've thought a bunch of two and three year olds could be so cruel to a lil' ol girl like me. Now.. I'd crush them where they stand-- but in these current times I'm sure they know that already- or what's left of em' if any of them survived.

Tea Leaf Series: Book of VerdigrisWhere stories live. Discover now