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I wondered who he was talking to, so I followed the gaze of his eyes, still watching the street.

Then they landed on me. He was talking to me.

"My name is Chanelle White", I answered, asking myself if it was one of his business. "Nice to meet you."

My touch made him slighty grin. In a good mood, that Liam.

"So, where do you want to go, Miss White?" I heard the taxi driver asking. "We are quite near Pittsburgh now."

I tried to have a little idea of where exactly Pittsburgh was. In the Northwest of the United States, I realized.

"We should be there in almost an hour." He added.

I nodded, even though the driver could not see it. Just like Liam, whose eyes still looked pleasing into the street.

"Great, I want a reasonably good rated Hotel in Pittsburgh." I said and noticed Liam's grin beside me. I wasn't sure what made him smile about my statement.

The taxi driver held up his thumb. "Good choice."

The whole thing was so spontaneous. I had often heard things about Pittsburgh, and I found them only rarely negative. The city is located in the southwest of Pennsylvania. They also call it the Tower of bridges, because it is surrounded by two large rivers that form the Ohio River. Briefly, there must surely be a lot of bridges.

I've always liked big cities and had planned to live in one of them, someday. I knew all sights would get boring after a while, but for some reason I didn't lose the will to go and live there. Of course, I hated being stressed, but I was sure I would get used to it. And in the end I'd rent a good apartment, where I could still find peace, hopefully.

All these thoughts about doing something new, gave me an excited feeling. It felt good. I had stopped dreaming and had finally begun living. I started doing the things I've always wanted to do. All the things I had dreamt of, when I spent my days off at home alone in Lancaster.

"French", Liam said and took me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry?", I asked confused.

"Your first name," he said. "It comes from France."

I nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I know... My parents love France and everything French." I told him and he smiled.

My parents moved to England a few years ago after they visited my uncle for a week. They found it so beautiful that they decided to live there for good. Yes, something like that is possible in my family.

When they asked my brother and me if we wanted to come with them, we both declined. On one hand, I didn't want to come with them because my decision could have changed their minds about leaving.
And on the other hand, I didn't want to come with them because I didn't know how much I was going to change my mind later. I had still regretted my decision, that day.

The trip went by faster than I thought, although we didn't talk much, the rest of the time. Liam looked at me from the side a few times. I ignored it. Maybe he wanted to talk to me, to start a conversation. Or perhaps he wondered if I was asleep.
I was too tired and had no great desire to have conversations, so I was hoping the taxi driver would finally talk, when I curiously looked out of the window.

As I could already see the huge rivers from a big distance, I got more excited. It looked amazing. I knew there were more beautiful places in the world, but Pittsburgh's view was one of the most beautiful things I had seen so far.

The city was illuminated, even though it had not became really dark yet. Lights reflected on the rivers. Bridges and tall buildings embellished the sight of the place and even though my feet had not made a step toward this place, I felt like I was at home.

"On the right you can see the Ohio River.", the taxi driver explained. "It has a size of 981 miles and thus it reaches the Mississippi."

I felt Liam leaned slightly forward to me to watch the sight.

"Do you know how many bridges there are here? 446. More than in Venice!" He added.

"Do you live here?" I asked the taxi driver. If that was the case, he could have given me an idea of what it was like to live here.

"I often come here." He said. "Beautiful place... Nice but stressful."

I planned to get a hotel that is not too close to Downtown, and according to him, I knew it was a good idea.

We drove over bridges, new roads, passing many shops and entertainments. I couldn't stop saying it to myself, but Pittsburgh was huge.

After fifteen minutes, when we were entering a somewhat calmer place, the taxi stopped in front of a small hotel. Small was actually not the right description for its size, but unlike all the other buildings I had seen so far, this hotel was small to me.

The taxi driver got out and opened my door. Very luxury for a cheap, yellow car.

I smiled gratefully and got out.

"Your baggage is in the trunk..?" The taxi driver asked.

I shook my head. "It's here."

I turned to the seat, where I sat the last hour, trying to pull out my heavy backpack.

"I'm going to Bridgeville" Liam said as he helped me to bring the weight of my bag out of the car. "Maybe we happen to see eachother again." He smiled warm.

I nodded, pretending I knew where Bridgeville was.

"Maybe." I agreed and moved my upper body out of the car, holding my baggage.

"Have fun in Pittsburgh, then." The taxi driver smiled after I paid. "Excellent city for young people like you."

I thanked him again before I left.

As I walked to the hotel entrance, I stopped to look at the taxi once again. It had just turned on the engine.

I noticed Liam's thoughtful eyes on mine. I gave him a weak smile, but couldn't see if I got one back as the car drove off.

For a moment I watched the taxi driving away. The luck I waited for, leaving. On the way to someone else, who could need it.

I watched the yellow, life changing taxi getting tinier and tinier until it finally disappeared.

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