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(⚠️‼️Small mention of blood‼️⚠️

  Zane laughed loudly as he got off Aphmau. He turned his back on her and looked far off to where the groan came from.

  Aphmau stared in amazement and horror. Now! I have to! He turned his back on me, I should kill him now! But.... oh no, Kawaii-Chan is still stuck in our cell!

  Aphmau glanced between the the gates and Zane's back, wondering which should come first.

  "Heh," Zane chuckled, "Do it" Zane turned back to Aphmau with a look of remorse obvious on his face, "I have nothing to live for, nobody who cares about me, no one who likes me anymore." Zane looked down at the grassless dirt, "Kawaii-Chan, as sweet and naive as she is, I know she is only doing it out of pity. That's the only time anyone ever does something nice for me... it's always out of pity,"

  Zane picked his head up so he was looking Aphmau in the eyes for the first time without a glare. "Go ahead Aphmau, do it, kill me. It would end him too," he looked at her for a few more seconds before returning to the setting sun, falling beneath the stands of people rushing to leave. "He really convinced everyone, huh? Even Garroth.... you all think I'm some sort of sadistic murderer?"

  "Save her, the zombies will be here any minute now. Get though the chaotic horde and save her. That is my one request," Zane said with a sad smile.

  Aphmau, confused and awestruck, turned towards the open gate to go save her friend.

  Zane looked up at the crowd of people trying to leave. He smirked, those sociopathic creeps will get what they deserve. But as a shadow, a symbol of the sun setting on the arena fell to the dirt, he just stared at the darkening sky. He ignored the riot and screams of the prisoners begging to be set free before their ripped to shreds, he ignored Aphmau saving the last person he cared about, he ignored the rising clawing sounds of the upcoming zombies's disgusting fingers trying to claw through the stone wall and stands of the arena, and he ignored the immense head ache he had from his temper tantrum, he ignored all the hate and pain in his heart. I just want to be free.


 I had no idea what was happening or what Zane was talking about. I just knew I had to save Kawaii-Chan and leave. The prisoners pleads escalated to a scream of desperation to be set free as the zombie's groans got louder.

 I had to force myself to not look at the poor people's tearful faces as I desperately looked for my cell.

 Eventually, I found it and pried the door open the door.

 "Aphmau!" Kawaii-Chan cried, tears rolling down her face, "I *hic* saw what happened! Please we need to hel- *hic -p these po-or people!" 

 I grabbed her arm and started running out of the prison. She screamed and begged me to help the prisoners. So much so that I started crying with her as I dragged her out of the arena

Kawaii-Chan's POV

  I couldn't help it.... these people were innocent! They had nothing to do with their situation. They let their guard down and got kidnapped, how is this far? Tears kept rolling down my face until I was sobbing in apology and misery.

  Through my tears I saw Zane still standing in the middle of the arena on his knees clutching his head in pain. He had tears rolling into his mask and his eye was pure darkness and devoid of color, only to be replaced with black.

  I blinked and while my eyes were closed I saw a glitching demon hovering over Zane.

  My eyes widened as we made a turn running the opposite direction of Zane out of the prison, out of the gates, and into the forest. We jumped into some bushes staring at Zane in the middle of the arena. We were so far away from Zane he was like a tiny speck. 

  My eyes widened even more as zombies with skin and blood falling off of them and pouring out of them started stumbling into the arena at an alarmingly fast rate....

I could just barely make out him standing up and getting in a position to fight before the gate of the prison collapsed under the pressure of the still chaotic crowd.

Cute Emo Killer - Zana ✔️Where stories live. Discover now