Chapter One

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Overturning Destiny

Ray knew it then, before they left the demon side. It was something too good to be true- to be freed and asked for nothing in return. It was too good to be true, but when Emma smiled and reassured everyone that everything is okay, he believed her.

And, he shouldn't. 

He should've asked her, he shouldn't have let her hand go, he should've stayed with her- to make sure; to be very sure, that they will all be together. 

So all of them knew, that more than any of them, Ray regrets it the most.

They all knew it, they all saw the unique connection between Emma and Ray in the two years they've all shared.

So when another two years have passed, and they have found Emma, finally, but then, emma's first words to them were, "who are all of you?". They all turned to ray unconsciously.

Ray was stunned for a second. He wracked his brain to why Emma is asking such a question. He wanted an excuse- a reason- anything at all.

He refuses to believe Emma will really just forget about them that easy.

Emma was- 

...they really took Emma's everything. 

They sent her away from everyone, with no single memory to cherish.

What they didn't know is that they took everything from Ray, too.

"Emma. Emma. Emma."

Ray turned and studied them. It's been a week since they found Emma and only today they are able to take her home.

Ray, Norman and most of the older kids from Goldy Pond remained at the side, watching the kids pester Emma.

The kids were joyous, giggling as they kept repeating Emma's name, as if making up for the two years they missed.

But Emma looked panicked. She was eyeing every kid, probably trying to remember them- at least, a single thing from them.

But by the looks on her face, it seems like she's failing.

Ray wanted to turn away, afraid that his face will show the hurt he feels for the kids.

These kids... they loved Emma so much. Emma is almost like a mother to them, she raised them, fought for them and freed them, but she can't even remember them.

"Emma!" Nat threw himself to Emma, tired and hurt of watching Emma guess who they are. 

But Emma flinched, taking a step back and Nat landed on his two feet, face clearly hurt as he tries to smile to Emma. 

Emma didn't catch him. Emma didn't hug him. Emma cannot remember him.

Nat started to cry, realization dawning on him. The other kids soon followed, until every one of them is crying and shouting in agony. Emma bit her lower lip. Trying to stop herself from crying, too. 

She feels useless. She feels defeated. She feels broken.

Each of them looked at her with hope and a happy smile. But she can't even return the favor. Emma is scared, they are strangers- she doesn't know them. 

But that truth pains her more.

She wants to know them. She knew she knows them. But why can't she? These kids are important to her. They mean something to her- but why can't her stupid brain remember them?They told her they are her family. 

How cruel is she, forgetting about her own family?


Emma gasps, hearing a familiar name. She turned and came face to face with that black-haired guy- the guy that found her- they all call him Ray.

Ray smiled sadly at her for second before patting one of the kid's head.

"Want to go for a walk?" he asked her, and Emma found herself nodding.

She doesn't know him, but he feels... familiar. He feels... peaceful. 

He feels like... home.

The older kids took over the younger ones, trying to stop them from crying while Emma followed after Ray. They walked in silence, but Emma didn't mind. 

Ray settled on the tree jut outside the house she was brought it. Emma looked around first before sitting beside him.

"This is," Ray started, his voice low, almost sounded like he was sad. And Emma found herself almost reaching out to him. "...the closest thing we found to grace field."

Emma turned immediately to him, that term- Grace Field- Emma knows that place, but where, she doesn't have a clue

"Grace Field is where we grew up." Ray continued, turning to her. Their eyes met, and Emma almost looked away. But ray looked like he was crying, despite no tears coming out of his eyes.

"Grace field is our home, With mama Isabela, Connie and many more kids that isn't with us anymore."

"But we also have a family outside Grace Field. we have Yuugo, Lucas and everyone from the shelter that we lost."

"We have a very big family, Aila."

Emma frowned.

The first time ray called her Aila, she was relieved- to be able to hear something familiar in a place where she knew nothing. But now, siting beside him under this tree, it feels foreign.

In the two years time she was with a new family, she picked up the name Aila. Everyone calls her that. 

But now that they alone, the name coming from ray, it doesn't feel right.

"You-" Emma stammered, squeaking. " can call me Emma." 

She heard Ray chuckled. "Emma." He called for her name, as if it's a lifeline. "Emma." he repeated it, savoring it. "Emma."

Emma smiled a little. "Ray."

Then she saw it, the tears slowly falling out of Ray's eyes. Her eyes widened, she doesn't know what to do. She reached her hands to him, trying to wipe his tears but Ray caught her hand, his thumb caressing her hand softly. 

"You were someone special." he started, "Well, you're always been, and always will be, special to me."

"You are the reason I lived, and will continue to be the reason to." Ray smiled, despite his tears. 

Emma hiccuped, then she felt the tears in her eyes. What is happening? Why is she crying?

What is it that is with Ray that made her feel so many things? Who are these people saying they are her family? Who is she? Who is ray for her? 

"Emma," Ray called out to her again."...let's overturn destiny."

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