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You eventually get home from the car ride that feels like ten hours even though you slept the whole way. And Louis carried you to the sofa and lays you down slowly.

The only reason Niall didn't carry you was because he was helping Zayn because he fell over getting out of the car. You all thought this was very funny however Zayn didn't but he did laugh in the end.

You wake up to Niall lay next to you and stroking your head. "Hey baby" he says to you. You just look at him and smile.

"Y/n I'm so sorry this is all my fault" Louis sighed as he sat on the sofa next to you.

"Louis, it's no you know that" you wimped, you were in quite a bit of pain but a lot of that was taken away from nialls soft touch on your head.


A few months passed until your bruises stopped hurting and you could actually get on with normal life. But that didn't last long. No.

You were all sat having dinner at the table. Harry had cooked pasta, Harry was amazing at cooking, and it always smelt amazing. But the best thing about it was that Harry loves to cook, so really it was a win win.

You were about to put some pasta in your mouth when you felt a pain go through your stomach. "Ahhhh" you screamed and everyone gave you a worried look. "It's ok it's just the baby" you say to reasure them, but Niall puts his arm around you anyway.

You gesture your head to Niall to tell him to lat go, so he does, but only aster he gives you a look as if to say ok baby but I'm keeping my eye on you.

And he does, all the rest of the time you are eating dinner he try's to ask you if you are ok with his eyes, but you just smile and nod.

You all finish dinner, and you decide to go and sit in the living room, your stomach hurt, you didn't know why, at this point in time you didn't know that they were contractions, you had never had a baby before.

"Baby are you sure your ok" Niall asked for the 700th time that night. You finally break, "I think I'm having contractions" Niall jumped out of his seat, "omg baby really, I the baby coming" you nod, clearly in pain from the contraction you are having. 

"Ok I will get you a cool rag" Louis shouted

"I'll get some sheets" Harry panicked

You wanted to have your baby at home, you didn't like being in hospitals in those horrible dress things that they put you in, and you didn't like having all those wires attached to you either. 

"It's ok baby your going to be ok, you can do this, breathe in...... out......in....... out" Niall said, this made you smile, he was being so supportive, you love him so much.

"Y/n do you want some water" Zayn asked, you nodded whilst leaning on the sofa.

Everyone came back with the things that they were ment to get and you had the baby, you were filled with happiness when she cried for the first time.


A babies first cry. It's a babies first breath. It's the first sign that your baby's life has begun. It shows that the baby is ready to enter this wonderful world filled with love from its mummy and daddy. It fills any one with happiness anyone lucky enough to hear that finest communication a baby has. It's the baby say hello mum thank you for looking after me in you tummy. It's a baby's way of telling you it's ready to conquer the world, ready to face any issues the world gives them. They are ready to grow up and change the world for the better.


"ITS A GIRL* Niall shouts as he holds her in his arms.before handing her to you,

"She's beautiful" you say, tears of pure happiness run down your face. "Takes after you" Louis laughs as he comes and sits next to you. "She looks so happy" he said again.

All you can do is stare at your new baby. She was smiling at you now, it was probably just wind but she was asleep lay on your chest.

Harry Louis Liam and Zayn cleaned up all the sheets and took the rag of your head. You and Niall were sat in the floor, holding your baby with you. "Hey baby do you want to go and have a shower" you nod and stand up giving the baby to Niall.

You walk upstairs and to your surprise you didn't hurt that much, there wasn't any pain, you felt really healthy and happy, you felt like you were ready to face the world. But you needed a shower first.

Whilst you were having a shower Harry was helping Niall sort the baby out.

"Hey Niall, have you got a name for her yet" Harry asked and he really wanted Niall to say yes he didn't like calling here baby, she needed a name " we do yea but I will wait for y/n to come down" Harry smiles when Niall says this and he hands Niall a nappy for the baby.

"Congratulations" Liam shouts as he runs in from the kitchen. "Your a dad now" Louis said. Niall just smiled. And looked at his amazing daughter.


You walk downstairs after you have had your shower and you go straight to Niall. "Hey baby, shall we tell everyone her name"  Niall smiles and stands up so he is next to you.

Everyone comes and sits down in front of you. "Tell is whats her name" Harry says very impatiently.

"Well her name is jamie" you say excitedly and everyone compliments her name and they all have a hold of Jamie. She gets passes from person to person before you take her upstairs to feed her and put her to sleep in her cot.

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