Build A Snoman Race!

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Leon's POV:

"START!" Gale shouted. 

I remebered not to go fast, or else your snowman can end up pretty ugly. I calmy made a snowball and started rolling it. Sandy had run off to find accerises. I hope he would find rocks that would be in a circle shape. As I made the head, Sandy came running over. I put the head on the snowman. "I found some nice stones for eyes and buttons and nose. But even better, a moon shaped stone for the mouth!" Sandy showed me a moon shaped stone he had found. "Woah." I whispered. "FIVE MORE MINUTES!" Gale shouted. "I'm gonna make the snowman more rounder, you put on the stones." I said. Sandy nodded. I scraped off snow that made the snowman not so round. We got finished in a minute. Sandy took off his scarf and he wrapped it around the snowman. I took off my hat and put it on the snowman. We made sure the hat and scarf wouldn't fall off. I saw Sandy shivering. I took off my scarf and wrapped it around Sandy's neck. I saw his cheeks grow red. I put on my chamelon hood. Then I popped a lollipop in my mouth. We heard a loud beep go off in the distance. "TIME'S OVER!" Gale shouted. "F***!" Jacky said. Me and Sandy looked over. Jacky and Carl's snowman had collasped. Bibi and Bull giggled. They had made a snowman in a shape of a bull. But it looked like it would collapse any time sooner too. The only snowman that looked perfect to me was my sister and Spike's snowman. They had made it Spike, and it was perfect. Except I realize that I couldn't find Spike anywhere. Gale walked around, looking at the snowmans one by one. As he looked at Amber and Frank's snowman, he shook his head. The snowman was a puddle, from Amber's staff. Soon, it was only me and Sandy's snowman, and Nita and Spike's snowman. Gale looked at ours snowman first. "Impressive." He muttered. "Whats the name?" 

"Uh," Sandy muttered. "Leondy!" I blurted out. Sandy's face growed red and he turned away. "Very nice name." Gale muttered.  He walked over to Nita's and Spike's snowman. "Where is Spike?" Gale asked. "In there!" Nita replied. Nita pointed at the snowman. Everyone gasped. Bea and Rosa ran over and took off snow from Spike. Spike was shivering. Rosa took off her scarf and gave it to Spike, who cuddled it. "Nita!" Bea hissed. "Sorry, my idea." Nita muttered. I slapped my face. Sandy giggled. "Er, winners will be annouced tomorrow." Gale said. I ran over to Nita, grabbed her hand, and pulled her to the hotel. "Wait until Dad hears about this." I hissed. "Wait! Please don't tell him!" Nita screeched as I opened the door and dragged her inside the hotel. "Do you think I won though?" Nita whispered. "Sure you did." I rolled my eyes. "Leon!" Nita said. "What? You almost froze Spike to death!" I hissed. "But he didn't tell me he was cold!" Nita shot back as I dragged her into the elevator. "Spike can't talk you idiot!" I shot back. Nita shut her mouth until we got to our hotel room. "Dad! I have something to tell you." I burst into our room. Bo turned and raised his eyebrows. "What is it?" He asked. I let go of Nita, who plopped onto the floor. I looked back at Dad. "Ok, so here it goes..."

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