Chapter ஐ 8

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Hope you guys like this chapter :) Xx

*Freya's POV*

Niall: Just got here, I'm waiting in the main lobby because the lady at the front desk won't let me up.

I texted him back saying that I would come down. I wonder who was working the front desk, was it the older lady or the caked face one.

I got in the elevator and pressed the first floor button. I guess you could say I was nervous, I didn't think it was a date, but I wasn't exactly sure.

Once I was at the main floor, I found Niall leaned up on the front desk, his eyes glued to his phone. The caked face lady was watching him, when she saw me she frowned. The lady made a noise that sounded almost like a huff. Niall looked up from his phone, when he saw me he started walking towards me.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Hey," I smiled back.

"Are you ready to get some ice cream," I practically heard my stomach growl when he said that.

"Super excited," I grinned again. We started walking out of the hotel, I heard the caked face lady whisper "bitch" under her breath. I ignored it though and just kept following Niall to his car.

"So what's the ice cream place called," I asked genuinely curious.

"It's just a little ice cream shop in town, it's my favorite one around here," I took out my phone and texted Johanna updating her on my "Ireland" trip.

"Sounds cool," we got in the car and Niall pulled out.

"Do you want to control the radio?" He asked.

"No, you can choose this time," I told him, he chuckled and instead of turning on the radio he plugged in his iPhone. He scrolled through his songs then tapped on one.

His car screen read "Stereo Hearts," by Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine. It was kind of an old song but I liked it.

"When the boys and I were on the Up All Night Tour, I would sing a little part of this song to the crowd, it was always one of my favorite parts of the show," he said, then he started singing. This was the second time I've heard his singing voice and I loved it.

"Yeah, I like this song too," I said honestly, he looked over at me and kept singing. He kept looking back at me with a confused look on his face.

"What," I blushed. I hope he didn't notice my reddened cheeks.

"Come on, if you know the song you have to sing, you have quite a pretty voice from what I heard when you sang Night Changes." I laughed and shook my head, he had to be joking. I knew that my voice was far from pretty, I looked down at my hands so that I didn't have to make eye contact.

Niall continued to sing, I wanted to but was to embarrassed after he asked me to. Niall and I talked a little more then he pulled into a parking lot.

The ice cream shop was called Dublin's Ice Creamery. We got out of the car and walked to the entrance.

The inside of the little shop had a cozy vibe and it was quite warm for an ice cream place. There were a few comfortable looking couches and a fire place in the corner. There were also many small tables and chairs, each seating four people.

At one of the small tables there was a group of teen girls, they looked shocked and I instantly knew why. Niall noticed them to and put his hand in mine. I looked down at our hands and I know this sounds cliche but it felt like my heart skipped a beat. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Niall's smile get wider, and he blushed a little.

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