Dinner With a Difference

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A/N: Okay so this is a collab story between BrookeAshleigh100 and Me (PhoebeBennett5). We hope you like it :D 

Chapter 1

Annabella's POV

Hi I'm Annabella Richards! I live and work with my twin sister Darcy lee. We both are managers at Nando's and let me tell you that is not how we intended it to be! We came from the greatest place in the world- Australia, we moved to England in hope of starting a good career but instead we got stuck at Nando's How bloody fan-freaking-tastic! We've worked here ever since. Sometimes I wish I never left Aus but being the stupid 17 year old I was I thought it would work. But obviously it didn't. Darcy and I are  only 5 minutes apart but I'm older! And don't you forget it! I am officially the top manager at Nando's but Darcy is pretty much the same level as me. I deal with the paper work and she deals with the customer side of things. I wonder what it would be like to be something more than a crummy waitress. I wonder what it would be like to walk the red carpet and have everyone fighting for your attention...

"Bella! We have a major issue! You need to come now!" Yells my younger sister as she snaps my day dreams.

"What happened now?" I ask frustrated, opening the door I hear the normal clatter of plates and utensils and the annoyingly continuous buzz of the customers.

"The new waitress, Lisa spilt an order for table ten and broke about 7 plates. It's made a massive mess." Darcy informs me while we walk to the aforementioned area. Oh crap! That's a lot of wasted food. oh well shit happens right?

"Darcy, can you help Lisa up and I'll start on cleaning the mess." I inform/ask my sister professionally.

"Sure thing!" I set to work on the Peri Peri sauce and the now ruined chicken. Yep this was definitely NOT the plan! Soon enough Darcy comes and helps with the last of the mess and we stand up to address the customers. I am very surprised by what I see to say the least. Both Darcy and I are pretty big fans of a certain boy band named One Direction and we tend to day dream about  meeting them and I fan girl constantly over them. Sitting right in front of us is the five perfect boys in all their glory. Oh shit that was their spilt order. WHAT IF WE GET SUED?! WHAT IF WE GET MOBBED BY ANGRY DIRECTIONERS?! WHAT IF PAUL GOES APE SHIT ON US?! DARCY I LEAVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY WORDLY POSSESSIONS! I am going to die. I hope it will be quick and painless or should I say Payneless. Yes I know at a time like this and I'm making a joke? You need to lighten up a little you know have fun. Oh God I'm rambling inside of my head well done me!

"We're so sorry about that little incident! We'll bring out your FREE food shortly, sorry again." Darc and I announce at the same time. What it's a twin thing! I quickly grab Darcy's hand and we race into the kitchen.

"Hey Sis! We should pretend like we don't know who they are! That would be so funny!" Darcy suggests and I giggle at the idea. I mean us not knowing who they are is quite a funny thought.

"Oh we should act like Directionaters!" Darcy nods her head excitedly and we both burst into fits of laughter. I know it doesn't sound that funny to you but if you'd seen us play Directionaters before you'd be laughing to! Don't hate me coz you ain't me! Just as we finish up laughing someone bursts into the kitchen panting. We whip around to be met by a messy head of curls that belong to a certain British pop star.

Mr Harry Styles.

by Phoebe( @PhoebeBennett5)

A/N: I hope you liked the first chapter! Sorry that it's really short but yeah hope you enjoyed it anyway :)

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