welcome to Jurassic park.

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A/n before we begin I would like to say a few thing I wont be able to update with everyday probably a few days a week because I am working on a few other book and I also have a life if your interested in my other book then check them out hope you enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote. Thanks guys.

Y/ns pov

I was sat on the edge of my seat looking out if a window of a helicopter not far now until I get there I thought and I turned and saw the pilot. I didn't trust him on bit but I never really trust people anyways when you through what I have then you will understand what I am on about.. when you first join the military after all the training you start to meet new people and get to know them but as missions go on you find out most of them are cowards or doing this because they want the fame but there is one person who I trust and his name is Owen Grady we got on really well but then we got assigned different missions so we had to separate, I didn't see him again since that day.

" You might want to hold on we are landing" said the guy sat in front of me. I turned and looked at him he acts like I have never been a helicopter before it stupid I sighed and waited until it was landed. About 5 minutes late we landed and I got out and stood there was Owen and some other people who I didn't care about. I walked over to him and hive him a friendly hug "Owen its so good to see you again how you been" I asked and Owen smiled.

"Not bad had a few missions here and there but nothing that big what made you agree to join here never thought you were the type of person to be into this kind of thing" he asked and smirked knowing that I had to agree to make sure everyone was happy.

"I came here because I was told to anyway we can talk later right now I want to know why I was sent here normal people don't ask for one of the best military officers here if you didn't need something really important" I said looking around and saw this guy scoff at me.

"Haven't you got a high ego saying your one of the best military officers what trying to get someone's attention princess" said this guy with a beard and a bit fat if you ask me I walked over to him and glared at him who does he think he is talking to me like that.

"For one its true I am the best and two don't call me princess" I said and turned around and walked back over to Owen who was smirking like and idiot "what" I asked and he just shook his head.

"Who are you anyway" he asked and I turned around and smirked so nice for him to ask I sighed walking back over to him now that I am technically not in the military I don't have to behave not like I behaved in military anyways.

"I am y/n y/l/n I got told that some people needed some help looking after dinosaurs and that so I decided that I would come not knowing that my oldest friend was going to be here but I don't mind that" I said turning around and winking at Owen.

"Oh so your the famous y/n I have heard about pleasure to meet you I am Hoskins. While your working with Jurassic park you will be working with the raptors and training trying to find out if they can take commands or not. We thought you and Mr Grady would  be the best for this job" he said and I nodded. He opened a door and I walked in "this is the where the raptors are staying we want you both so you can imprint on them when they are born so they listen and respect you" he said and I looked through the glass, there was four eggs in the incubator.

"So in the eggs are our four raptors" I asked and Hoskins nodded "right so what we going to call them we cant just keep calling them raptors all of there life its stupid and might confuse them a little" I asked and I saw Owen smirk and shake his head knowing what I am like.

"We will choose there names once they are born" Hoskins said and kept walking and we followed him. We went back outside and I saw a padlock being built and a big one at that. "This is going to be the raptors home you both will train them its going to be a to wan job" Hoskins said then looked at me "well a man and a women job" he smiled and looked me up and down.

"Don't worry what every your name is, you know what it doesn't matter anyway I have been called a man all of my life so its nothing new and anyways I have a question what if we can train the animals and they go wild" I asked and Owen looked at me, I walked over to him and stood next to him looking at Hoskins.

"If the animals go wild then we will have to put them down if they are no use to us then we kill them" he said and I saw Owen didnt look happy at this not one bit. He walked over to Hoskins.

"you cant do that these animals are only well animals if they don't follow orders then let them live. A life that they would have in the wilds. You cant just kill a animal just because it wont listen its like saying lets kill every child who doesn't listen and do what I say" Owen said looking pretty pissed about it.

"Well you better make sure you make them follow orders then it wont happen will it" Hoskins said and walked away with a smile on his face. I could really punch him he's so Annoying. I turned to owen and sighed and he just laughed.

"Come on y/n I made sure you would stay with me so we can catch up and maybe take you on a date I heard that the food here was amazing" he said and I just shook my head Owen never changes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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