The Start of Something Beautiful

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I'd like to begin by saying it all started 21 years ago with the birth of a daughter, a second child I should say. It was a cold December night on the parent's anniversary, when the mother woke from a fright. "My water has broken" the father called for help but not before catching a glimpse outside, just seeing five inches of snow and more falling down. It was just enough to throw him into a panic. He waits by the door for help to arrive. When all hope is lost, there's a knock at the door. Help has arrived. Heading to the hospital the father sees just down the road another ambulance in a ditch. He turns to a paramedic and asks "is that why you took so long?" he was unable to get an answer when his wife was reaching for his hand. Soon after arriving the mother was told to "push once more" the room was silent as the mother's face turned red and with a big relief the doctor smiled. When the baby let out a big cry, there wasn't a dry eye in the room. The parents were so happy with joy, that they just stared at each other in an awkward silence; all that was seen was all the love between them. All the sudden the father hears "do you wanna cut the cord," and in that moment where all time stood still. It was that very second when he realized everything was about to change. He was already wrapped around Piper's fingers. Many diapers later. A third child was born and as years went by, Piper and her siblings spent all their time outside, mostly getting in trouble; from jumping off chicken coops with trash bags thinking they could fly, to throwing rocks at cars. They had timeouts and ass beatings but that never changed the amount of trouble they got in. Piper and her siblings were just kids, being kids. One night when she and her brother were jumping on the couch, playing king of the castle. Her brother got carried away and shoved her head into the corner of the dresser, causing her head to crack open like an egg but that wasn't her last adventure of being rushed to the hospital. Piper was only eight at the time when playing with the neighbor's daughter, they decided to roam around town when Piper noticed a dog on a chain with his dog house flipped over, she took a couple steps closer and that's when it happened, the dog bit into her hip and threw her around like a chew toy, sinking his teeth deeper and deeper. She managed to grab a rock and smack him in the face, dropping her to the ground; she limps away, holding her hip and leaving a blood trail running down her leg. Once at the house her mother screams in a fright, that night ended in a couple rabies shots and stitches, but that still wasn't the last adventure. Only a couple weeks later her brother got a dirtbike and was showing her how to ride it. She starts out slow then goes faster and faster, she's now heading straight for a barbed wire fence, and it was at this moment that she realized her brother never showed her the brakes. Before she knew it, she was laying on the ground with her arm tangled in the wire with the bike still spinning wheels trying to get through the fence. Piper survived through her childhood with many scars to prove it but we are gonna fast forward to a year later when her life starts to take a turn for the worse. That's where it really all began, Piper was only nine, riding her bike near her grandmother's house when two teenage boy's ran out from the woods and stopped her dead in her tracks, they began to ask her if she was a real girl, piper replies "yes" as she's trying to get away but the one boy is holding the handlebars, resisting to let go and the one boy says "how about you prove it" while his hand is reaching for her pants, she slaps his hand away and screams the loudest scream she could make but no one heard, no one was there, and no one was coming. Piper gets off her bike and starts to run away but both boys grab her and carry her deeper into the woods, one boy had her arms and the other had her legs, she's kicking and screaming the whole time, they come to a old run down shack and throw her on the cold wooden floor, when they threw her down, her leg got scratched on an old rusty nail, she grabs her leg and feels the blood, as the boy's undress quick near the corner of the shack, she gets up and runs out the broken door barely hanging on the hinges but before getting all the way out, the much taller long brown haired boy grabs her by the back of the head grabbing a handful of hair and ripping her backwards, he punches her in the stomach and pushes her back on the floor, one of the boys takes his knee high socks off and gags her mouth with one sock and uses the other to tie her hands up, while the other boy is ripping off her pants, he gets them down by her ankles, one pant leg off and just leaves them there, as they have their way with her, one by one, over and over just ripping her childhood right away. Piper just lays there staring out a rotted hole in the top of the shack, just looking at the clouds and the bright blue sky while tears run down her face, just wishing and hoping that it will all end. Her mind goes blank and just spaces out still staring out that hole, slowly her life is flashing before her eyes. Finally what seemed like a lifetime, the two boys hurry up and grab their clothes including the socks still tied around her hands and gaged in her mouth, they run out the broken door, leaving it open and leaving her on the floor. Piper grabs her stomach and curls in a ball just tear after tear hitting the floor, day turns to night and she's still pant less laying in the dark. It begins to rain and as she feels the water hitting her face from that damn hole in the ceiling, she gathers herself and stands up to put her underwear and pants on, she stumbles through the woods in complete darkness with blood running down her inner thighs, she makes it to the road and sees her bike in the ditch, she grabs her bike and pushes it in the pouring rain just slowly making her way to her grandmother's house, she walks inside and hears the tv in the living room and not another sound was made, not a "where have you been?" or "are you okay?" Piper walks to the bathroom to clean herself up and maybe just to gather her thoughts of what just happened. While still in shock, she gets in the shower and stands there with the hot water just hitting her back, just praying to wash away the images replaying over and over in her head. Piper finally makes her way to bed, as she's walking upstairs she hears her grandmother say "Goodnight sweetie i love you" with the tears starting to fall, she pulls herself together and says "Goodnight i love you" in a clear voice like nothing was wrong. As the days went on and the nightmares got worse, Piper kept it too herself and suffered in silence. She is now in middle school, in the sixth grade, and is smoking cigarettes that her uncle gives her and is snorting pills in the middle of class any chance she gets and don't forget smoking weed in the bathroom stalls, she was the definition of a rebel for sure, or maybe just a damaged child suffering with so much pain, that no one ever noticed. Piper started getting feelings for one of her friends, she kept it a secret while spending every day after school with them. With her parents always fighting, she never wanted to be home, you might even say she was on the verge of suicide, she started cutting, but it only relieved the pain for a short time, She wanted so bad for someone to say it was all going to be okay but no one cared or maybe she just hid it so well. A year went on and nothing changed but Piper wears all black and is drinking vodka in water bottles at school. One day as she's walking to class, she reads a poster "be true to yourself." A week goes by and she's still thinking about what she read, that same day after school when she was hanging out with her crush. Piper says "I need to tell you something" as her friend goes on to say "you can tell me anything" Piper looks at the ground and says in a low voice to where her friend can't really hear her and says "I think im Gay" without hesitating her friend Claire says "what are you saying?" Piper starts crying and drops to her knees, holding her hands over her face. Claire bends down to pull her hands away and Piper kisses her on the lips, without even thinking Claire screams "you dyke" and starts to back away. Piper tries explaining she's tired of hiding who she really is but before getting another word out, Claire runs into her house. The next day at school, the news was already out. As Piper walks down the hall to her locker, everyone is staring and whispering "she's a lesbian" or "don't get too close, she will kiss you" feeling so overwhelmed with being the first one to come out. Piper runs to the bathroom, grabbing her last three pills from her pocket. Laying them out on the sink and crushing them with her english book, as she snorts the whole fat line up with a rolled up dollar bill, she cleans up her mess and lights a cigarette with the window cracked.. At that very second a teacher walks in and sees what's going on and yells "principal's office now!" getting suspended from school for three days was a huge relief. Piper's mom picked her up and not a word was said, the drive home was just dead silence. Once in the driveway Piper gets questioned "are you okay?" She shrugs her shoulders and walks to her room while her mother is still in the car with her head on the steering wheel. A day goes by and her brother comes home from school all upset and hurt. When asked what's wrong? He storms off screaming "Stop telling everyone you're gay!" She goes to bed that night dreading to go back to school. She starts to wonder if the pain will ever end, she packed a small bag, put her shoes on and snuck out without anyone knowing, she laid down in the middle of the woods, toked on her joint and stared at the stars which seemed like forever, she eventually gathered herself and went home to her bed and no one even knew she was gone. When she returned to school, the bullying continued but only got worse as the days went by. It went from being called names to having gum put in her hair and pencil shavings dumped down her shirt and punched in the stomach a couple times walking to class by random kids, the list of things that happened goes on and on, it literally got so bad that she would pretend to be sick so she wouldn't have to go to school. As she falls deeper into depression, the drugs were her safety blanket and a regular habit. Piper's family and the little friends she had left were so blind that they couldn't see that she was slowly killing herself, she was slowly losing herself and didnt give a fuck about anything anymore. That summer she spent a lot of time at her friend's camp, Kayla was three years older and lived only an hour away. They went swimming and had bonfires. One night while laying under the stars, Kayla asks "will you go for a walk with me" once out of sight Kayla grabs Piper's hand and pulls her near the river. Kayla starts undressing until she's standing there with nothing on, she leans in and kisses Piper on the cheek then takes off running to the water. Piper just stood there like a deer in headlights, it was the first time ever seeing a woman naked besides in the playboys under her brother's bed, but she knew in that very moment, that she was seriously gay. She questioned herself before only because everyone said it wrong and a sin, that it's not how things are supposed to be. The next few days they joked around like a married couple, even cuddled at night under the stars in a sleeping bag by the fire but that was it and summer was coming to an end and school was starting the following day, as her parents pulled up to get her. She kisses kayla on the cheek and walks away. Finally at home and in bed that night, she closes her eyes and dreams of having a wife and kids but the alarm clock rings and puts her back in reality, she gets ready and she's out the door. As her mom pulls up to the school, she takes a deep breath and gets out of the car. Walking to her first class, not one person called her a name, everything was going smoothly or at least that's what she thought, then she hears "Hey dyke" with such disappointment piper turns around and sees a guy standing there with his hand up waiting for a high five, he asks piper "you like girls right?" not knowing how to take him she says "what's it to you?" With such an attitude, the guy just smiled. she started to walk away but he asked "are you coming?" as she follows this random nerdy looking dude to the cafeteria, he sits down at a table with the jocks, While sitting there in silence, they start talking about girls without thinking she jumps right in and says she's hot, id fuck her, the next couple months she noticed a big difference with how other people were treating her, no more name calling or dirty looks, she finally felt like she belonged somewhere even if it was with a bunch of dudes, Everything was going good until one day in her history class when the teacher was talking about bombs and the civil war, the guy next to her said "I bet you couldn't do a bomb threat right here, right now" with a smirk on her face and being so cocky she asked for the hall pass and in the bathroom, she writes on the mirror with a permanent marker "Bomb in School gonna blow at 12:00" while walking back to the classroom, she pulls the fire alarm and gets in line with her classmates to walk outside to the football field, they stood there for over an hour while the cops with the dogs searched the building. when they returned inside, piper gathered her books and went to her last class like nothing just happened before even getting in the room, There were two police officers standing at the doorway, they look her in the eyes and say "you're going to need to come with us" Just walking down the hall, with one cop on each side, she sees her father standing at the end of the hall with his arms crossed and a disappointed look on his face, before she knew it she was in handcuffs and in the back of a police cruiser heading to the station. When they pulled up, Piper could see her mother holding her face crying while her father was standing there with a pissed off look and all piper thought was how bad she was gonna get beat for this one, Piper got her fingerprints done and when it was time to take her mugshot the officer says "just look straight ahead" That's when she smiled from ear to ear like she was proud. On the way home, piper's mother got dropped off at work and then her father called piper every name in the book, and cussed her like a dog, "Your never gonna amount to anything" "Your a worthless, fat cow" Once at home before she could even get out of the car and take off running, he opens the door and smacks her in the face, grabbing her by the back of the head and smashing her face off the trunk of the car, busting her lip then smacked her once more in the face before letting her run away, she started running to the woods, as he ran behind her, piper tripped over a log or maybe it wasn't even a log and it was herself tripping over her own fear, he grabbed a long thick branch and hit her three times as hard as he could before throwing it down and walking away, as she tried to cry herself to sleep that night she could hear her parents fighting in the kitchen, hearing the sound of a loud smack, she hides under the covers and buries her head deeper in her pillow. the door opens and it's her mother shobbing and wiping her eyes, she cleans off a little area on pipers dresser and pulls out a bag of white powder, making two lines, she does one then says "do you want this? It will make you feel better" So with everything going on piper was now on probation and had to serve eighty hours of community service, monday through friday for three months straight, she cleaned her old middle school. Piper's mother tried her best to get her back in school but the best the judge could do was send her to an alternative school for the remainder of the year and on good behavior she could go back to regular school next year. piper went to the juvenile center the following day, on her way to class, she passed three cops roaming the halls and that's when she walked around the corner and ran into the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. "Hi i'm krystal" with a smirk on her face, she quickly responds "hey sweetheart i'm piper" as she helps her pick up her books, a cop says "get to class" walking in different directions piper yells down the hall "you're beautiful" as piper walks in her class with a smile from ear to ear, the teacher yells 'stop smiling and take your seat' in a hateful voice, piper mumbles under her breathe "fucking bitch" walking to her desk. The teacher hands her three papers with first grade math problems and says "get this done and that's it for the day" she finishes and puts her head down. There's a knock at the door, she hears Krystal's voice, and pops her head up. she walked in and handed the teacher some papers but walking out of the room, she winks and nods for piper to follow. Piper raises her hand and asks "can i use the bathroom" she walks out of the room and to the bathroom, there's a cop outside the door. The second she walks in, krystal grabs her and pushes her into the stall, kissing and grabbing the whole time, there's a knock at the door "hurry up" Piper slips her hand into krystal's pants and plays with her clit, while she's running her hands through piper's hair, there's another knock. Krystal pushes her away, kissing once more before walking out. Piper is still in the bathroom licking the juices off her fingers, the bell rings and she heads to lunch, a boy in the hall named little tim said "sit with us?" so she grabs her lunch and walks to the table in the corner, krystal soon arrives and timmy asked "Have you ever had white horse?". While pulling a little bag out of his pocket, piper said "Fuck Yes" the boy puts a line on the table and hands over a cut up straw without even thinking piper grabs the straw and snorts the line up completely before the teachers and cops see, She honestly only went more downhill from there, It was a few days later when she received a phone call from kayla and asks "will you go to prom with my brother tanner?" piper agrees to go just as friends, that weekend she pulls out an old dress hanging in her closet and has her mom fix her hair and make-up. Later that night her parents drop her off at kayla's house, while waiting for tanner to finish getting ready, kayla's mom asks "do you want a shot of rum?" without hesitation she says yes and before she knew it she was eight shots deep of captain morgan, once at the dance they got pictures done and walked to the dance floor, piper was grinding on tanner's leg when this girl comes up behind tanner and grinds on his back while reaching around and grabbing piper's waste. When the song was over, this girl didn't say a word; she just winked at piper then walked away. Tanner then whispers in her ear "that was Deloris" Piper then asks Tanner if he would get her a drink while she runs to the bathroom. In the process of washing her hands, Deloris wraps her arms around piper and pulls her back into the showers where it was complete darkness, while kissing her neck, piper still drunk, pushes Deloris against the wall and puts her hands up her dress and inserts two fingers inside of her, moving them faster and faster. Deloris screams and moans in Piper's ear, until she cums all over. Piper kisses her lips and walks out like nothing even happened. After the dance was over tanner asked "do you wanna stay?" They return back to his house and find that his parents are gone and kayla has four dudes in the living room, smoking weed and watching porn. Kayla asks "do you want any?" Piper gets handed the bowl and takes a big hit, while Tanner stomps his feet going to his room. One of the guys asked Piper to come have a seat as he's patting his dick for her to sit down. She says "no thanks" and walks upstairs. She crawls in bed with tanner and lays in his arms. He leans in to kiss her but she stops him and says "you know I like girls right?" and of course his response was "yea, but we can still do stuff" Piper blew out a big puff of air and put her head on his belly, then grabbed his dick and started jerking him off while she laid there, rolling her eyes. He got off then passed out, so she sneaks out and finds his sister walking to the bathroom naked, not a big surprise since the skinny dipping incident but as piper follows behind her. she says "Damn that ass" Kayla turns and whispers "do you wanna smoke?" With such a grin piper says "fuck yes" so they finish a whole dime bag in the bathroom, kayla still naked, moves closer and closer to piper then starts kissing her neck and moves to her lips, running her hands up her shirt, while piper is rubbing her hands all over her sexy curvy body, piper pushes kayla away saying "this doesn't feel right, i just jerked your brother off not even an hour ago, im sorry" Piper walks back to tanner's room, she falls asleep and the next day piper waits outside for her parents, kayla walks out of the house right when she's getting in the car and says "I love you" Piper blows her a kiss and gets in before her dad sees. Soon days turned to months and before she knew it, piper couldn't even recognize who she was in the mirror anymore, just so numb and over life. she went to sleeping with anyone for drugs to more ass beatings from her dad to coming home from school to find that her mom was gone and not coming back, to taking care of the house alone, to learning to cook by herself and taken care of her baby sister while failing out of school, to her dad being gone all the time with his new girlfriend all at the same time, things just kept getting worse and worse for piper, and to think all of this happened before piper got to high school

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