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Grizzy: (10.24.23.) Yo, I just watched TMNT 2016 for the first time in like... EVER and I forgot how HOT these turtles are, HAHA!


A few months later, in the month of October, the lair was almost fully set up with no boxes left. This new lair was beginning to look like a real home with great pieces of furniture, technology, and even a few things for hygienic uses.

All that's left to do is just continue the training Splinter taught his four sons and teach it to Osa as well.

In the brand new dojo filled with katanas, nunchucks, sais, bostaffs, and kamas, the four brothers and Splinter form a circle around Osa. She is in the center under the spotlight from the morning sun, rays casting along her face and shoulders. Splinter stands in front of Osa. "See not with your eyes, but with your instincts." He walks up to her, tying a cloth around her eyes. "Do your best."

The Brothers exhaled deeply together, getting into their fighting stances without their weapons. Once they heard Splinter give the command, Leonardo attacked Osa on her right, preparing a fist to hit her shoulder. Quickly, she dodged by ducking to the ground and sensing Raphael come after her. From every direction, she could feel the kicks and punches coming her way and she remained focused, listening with her sharp sense of hearing and obeying the tingles on her neck.

Sadly, without knowing it, Osa would be affected by this training session with her family. As she fought with this blindfold on, she could see a blurry image forming inside her head and this forced aggression toward her training. Whatever she sees, she wants to hurt it, damage it, do whatever to make it not exist. Eric Sacks' menacing chuckle echoed inside her head as she battled the four brothers by hand.

Due to the awful mind trick, Osa imagined the Brothers as the Foot Clan, and in response, she attacked them violently. The shapeshifter yelled out, cried, and struck the Brothers without seeing a single thing in front of her. Osa screamed, causing her to quarter shift uncontrollably, bringing back the shifter she once was when she was created. 

She didn't want Sacks to win. She didn't want Shredder to win. All she wants is for them to be wiped off the face of the earth. They don't have the right to take lives, make people into guinea pigs, steal their lives! Everything was stolen from her in a heartbeat and she doesn't remember her parents, old friends, her old hobbies, she started all over and she is angry about it.

Osita's tears soak through the blindfold. She roundhouses, upper strikes, flips, and uses animal-like movements to get by. With each passing moment, her aggression intensified and Splinter could see there was a great change in her mood.

The boss of the lair, Sensei Splinter could see Osa's skin barely glowing a shade of yellow. It's as if the sun were trying to emerge from her veins! He didn't like the sight of her behavior.


"Enough!" Splinter barked. Osa stopped her actions, breathing heavily, and ripping the blindfold from her eyes, back in the lair and no longer in the lab of Sacks. The rat has his hands behind his back as he approaches Osa. "Osita, what happened?" He asked her.

Osa panted as sweat drizzled down her face. She gulped, leaving the lair in a hurry.

On the dojo floor, the Brothers groaned and held their bruised limbs. "Damn..." Raph mumbles, getting to his knees and struggling to stand. "She hits hard."

Don winced at his aching bicep. "Well, yeah..." He breathed. "She's got the strength of the animal kingdom." He hissed, holding his arm.

"Man," Mikey wiped his nose to see a little bit of blood on the top of his hand. "What a hit."

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '16) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟸 ❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now