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we zoom in the year 5000 where the federation of south americas along with their allies the indonesians have acquired technology

from an advanced civilization as  with this technology their advanced met reached a whole new level to make use of this the federation along with australia made the most powerful

ships to be used in their navy which at firsted they would never see service hoever it was during the war that the usa waged on the

federation and indonesians to obtain their technology backfired on the usa and its allies were losing the war in asia the pacific and in the atlantic it was there that the federation stealth

aicrafted carrier managed to sink most of the usa third fleet to the bottom of the ocean as well as the stealth aicrafted carrier the enteprise for the crew of the federation it was payback for that aicrafted carrier nearly killing them in their war

as the war continued to raige the australian thunder battleship managed to sink most of the usa pacific fleet and with the help of the indonesians were able to defeat the usa in their own homeland signing the treaty

which ended the war we zoom as the federation aicrafted carrier is heading back home untill something appeard sucking the ship the admrial ordered all personal to evacuated the ship as they evacuated they contacted high

command on what happened seeing this he told them to return back to base and informed them on their allies the australians losted one of their ships the thunder battleships as they were returning back to base to assemble a taskforce and to find the two ship

we zoom in the azur lane where the two ships federation and sylen appeard as for federation and sylen they were thinking where are the hell are they

as federation walked in the ship he found out he can move it on his own as he thought of the word riggins his ship riggins appeard as

he tested them he thought summoned and his ship appeard the samething thunder did as he was suprised

we zoom in the nearby area where several shipgirls from the royal navy and ironblood are aproaching the ships to find out  who are they these ships one thing is certain they will change the course of the war

the adventures of two sci fi ships in azur laneWhere stories live. Discover now