AFO's Life In School

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Disclaimer : Just for you to know that this story is a fanfiction creation like fanfilm, not been confirmed what AFO life's enjoy 😁 and buckle up....this is going to be a long way....

*Title shown


Horikoshi : Well- *phone rings ..hello ?..oh, i have to attend the conference ?...okay then...*hangs up the phone

All Might : so-

Horikoshi : I'm sorry everyone, but i have to attend a conference..

All Might : Oh well, Bye...see you soon..

Horikoshi : Bye !!! *exits the ballroom

AFO : I'm... exiting-

Nana : You're not going anywhere...HISASHI..

AFO : *sigh

Decades ago....years after quirks appearance

At a High School Graduation

" Im gonna miss you okay.."

" Here's my number.."

Friend 1 : Hey Hisashi !!! *touch his shoulder

Hisashi : huh ?

Friend 1 : AHHHHHHH *his quirk absorbed

Friend 2 : No...oh...

Friend 3 : Stay..stay away....

Hisashi : Nonononono i can fix it okay !! I'll-

Friend 1 : NOOOO !!!! hurts..

Hisashi : *touch his hand


Teacher 1 : Stop it ! *Push Hisashi away from his friend

" Oh my god, what's happening.."

" He's dangerous.."

Friend 1 : Ahh...ah....wait...wha...i...

Teacher 1 : you're-

Friend 1 : I..I feel give me a quirk !!!

Friend 2 : No way...

Friend 3 : Hey Hisashi !!! I want to exchange my quirk !!

" me too !! "

" This quirk sucks ! I need an upgrade Hisashi !! "

Everyone was after him for stronger quirks...until....

Principal : Stop !!

Teacher 1 : Huh ?

Principal : I'll take care of him

Hisashi : sir- *dragged by principal

In the Principal Office

Principal : *calling someone

Hisashi : *in his mind ...oh i going to be in trouble ?!?!...

Principal : don't worry Hisashi, everything's fine, you just need some help...

All Might : I didn't you were...that-

AFO : shut up

10 mins later...

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