God vs union

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As of the union students were now in search for zamasu & y/n black anywhere as they were investigating the towns destruction that brought by y/n & zamasu

Ruby:"alright guys keep your guards up. We don't know when are they are gonna come up everyone is counting on us hope to stop them."

As of the students agreed to each other as the perverted bastard is giving a little boost to his ego

Issei:"yeah!!! We will stop them that weakling & his freak green skinned guy doesn't have a chance against us."

Y/n:" don't worry zamasu is busy I'm only already here."

As everyone was pulling their weapons or powers up as they see a dark tornado  was pulling down the ground as they see a red eyes that were showing inside the tornado as y/n appears before them

Y/n:"I'm surprised that you so called heroes. Are here to stop me & zamasu you're all nothing more than a mere insects to a god."

Issei:"ha! You a god? your still a weakling, don't forget we're your superiors before just because you have a new look." Said with a cocky tone

Yang:"yeah! You think we're just gonna bow down before you then you're dead wrong."

Y/n:"heh then you all think I'm still a weakling now? Then try stopping me your efforts are futile. Against a god like me."


As issei was the first one to attack y/n but y/n dodge his attack so easily while he is in his balance breaker y/n punches issei stomach as he was thrown by y/n's dragon throw

As rias others her other peerage was now next to fight y/n while asia was healing issei injuries kiba went first to swing his sword towards y/n as y/n dodging it easily with xenovia was in the same situation as kiba y/n instantly grab their swords easily shocking to them y/n spin throw them away while holding their swords but ended in throwing their weapons away as koneko was next she keeping punching y/n but still easily overpowering her as y/n knee jab koneko stomach and kicks her away from him as akeno was the next in throwing lighting attacks on him

Akeno:"Ara Ara~ you've attack my friends now you must feel their pain and let me feel your pain y/n~"

As of akeno keeps attacking y/n until she was exhausted from her magic draining her y/n saw this as a opening and quickly attack her with black kamehameha attack

As rias was the last one throwing of P.O.D on y/n finally hitting him when he was off guard

Rias:"ha! Take that and die weakling!"

As y/n was nowhere to be seen the smoke everyone was shocked when he was still alive from the attack only on y/n was a little blood dripping down on his lips dusting himself from that attack

Y/n:" I thank you for that rias. like I said you're efforts are futile no matter the physical attack you all given me will just increasingly rising up my power I was only holding up but now. I will show you my real power I've gotten so far."

As y/n increase his power showing off his dark ki aura around him screaming top of his lungs to powered up

As he was done powering & starting to attack Rias with multiple attacks as he attack the rest of the students

As bakugo used his quirk on y/n only ends up on the same fate as the orc members along with sona groups were in it but eventually got the same treatment as the rest along with hammura groups hanzo groups with the class a-1 students only one what's left is the huntsman & huntress in training

As of team rwby prepare their attacks to y/n with there tag team tactics but was overpowered by y/n

As of the rest were starting attacking y/n but ends in the same fate as them

As Asia was the last one left frightened in fear as y/n went over to her and giving her a message to say to the headmasters

Y/n:"tell them that don't get in our way or they will be having the same fate as the other mortals I've killed understood as she nodded her head in fear and pick everyone teleported returning back on the union academy

As the headmasters here in a deep stressful day when their ace strongest students were in hospitalise in treating the injury this makes them even more flustering for them to stop y/n rampage or how hard it is for them to convince y/n back to the union academy

To be continued
Stay tuned for more soon I hope you guys liked it

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