[Short Story] Freezing Cold

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        I had a tight grip on the blades' handles as I stood there, taking a strict position to adjust my body. I wanted to be ready. Dead silence pierced my ears like a bullet. I was not used to it. It was unfamiliar to me, all this peace. Of course, it is as they, it was just a calm before the storm. A heavy storm, at that matter. A storm the crapshack around me wouldn't be able to handle. Or at least I thought. But was I to blame? It was a rotten wooden house with nothing around but some candles that I arranged myself, some bones of a dead animal, tiger I think it was, and a pelt skinned from a living deer. Kind of a nasty job, to tell the truth. But it was all worth it.

        At least I hoped it'd be worth it. And you know what? I was oh so wrong. It was by far the stupidest idea I've ever had in my entire life. The air around me turned cold the instant a thought of leaving crossed my mind. It was so cold my muscles started to shiver. A cracking noise helped ice cover the rotten walls of the shack, it was like I was transported to the North. A wretched place the white lands. So cold only the Nordics survive the temperature. They're the only kind that's used to the frost around due to their skin and their body temperature. They're unlike any other ra- Okay, back on track.

        The witch warned me weird things would happen, but I never thought this would. I just wanted a challenge, I didn't want the shack to turn into a freeze-box. With every breath coming out of my mouth a puff of white steam would rise and vanish into the air. The clothes I wore barely helped with the sudden cold. Leather's not really the way to go when wanting to protect yourself from harsh temperature. But, of course, considering the climate here in the forest, that wasn't a problem until this spell.

        Whispering growls and cracking noises reached my ears as three of those pesky creatures materialized around me. Wraiths were never my favorites, let alone ice wraiths! A floating snake skeleton made out of pure, although strong ice was never something a man would want to see. I imagined being with a woman intimately and this thing creeping in through your window... Must be a hard time for the Nordics up there. I heard they have these wrai- Again, Nordics, I'll stop now.

        They didn't even consider talking to me (not even sure if they can), they attacked immediatelly. And all I had were two sharp, wide bladed daggers to help me. Of course, Aelash steel, yet it still lacked the potential they were meant to acquire. The witch told me that if I fulfilled this challenge I was facing at that time, she'd finish the job and inscribe the blades with her magic. Then they'd reach their full potential.

        Aelash steel apparently worked really well against icy objects or things. A screech came as one of my blades slit through one of the wraith's front. I think it damaged it's eyes, but it was more than enough to dispell it. The other two, however, were a major pain in the behind. One sunk it's ice cold fangs into my shoulder and the other seemed to go for my leg. Before one could even reach my leg, I pointed my blade at it's face, sinking it deeply into it's carcass. Although all it was, was a skull. An icy skull that melted from Aelash steel.

        The third one was then really easy to kill. With the other blade I pierced it's backbone and it soon poofed into dozens of icy shards just as the other two. With four different holes in my shoulder I was able to conquer the wraiths and left the shack for all. It filled with water soon after the ice melted.

        But guess what. The witch was gone. She was never to be seen again and my daggers remained just normal daggers. That cunt!

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