"I want to see how you guys would soar to the sky again"Shimotsuki M/N.
Shimotsuki M/N,the best all rounder player in Youth World,the Captain of Russia Representative male volleyball team,a olympian volleyball player and idol.The mysterious,handsom...
It took an hour and half to arrive at Hyogo. You and others all get out from the bus as you all straches a little bit.
"I almost Iku,your mother is from Hyogo,right?" Yoru ask the middle blocker. "Hai. Even though it's been a long time ago" Iku answered as his cheerful voice and smile can always make the mood lighter.
"Haven't you really exicided when you have full moon festival last month?" Yuu teased Iku who laugh nervously.
"Maa~.Stop teasing poor Iku" You told to Yuu who have small smirk on his face."Aren't you the same too,M/N-San?" M/N gave the other idol his mysterious smile.
"Who knows?" M/N have a smile on his face as he watch others who was bonding with each other.
You have something that you noticed for this team. You all love volleyball more than everything. That's why you can tell something.
This team don't have enough member maybe three or four people need for this team.
A setter,a middle blocker and a libero.
"What are you thinking,M/N?"You look at Kai who look at you with a smile on his face.
You hum a little bit."Thinking about this team" Kai tilted his head to the other side. "You mean we need some more members?" Kai knows you very well.
You slowly nod your head. "Everyone have talents but skill are more above than everything. I think we need three or four new members. Don't worry. I'll figure out about new members" Kai sighed a little bit as he put his right hand to his head.
"Sometimes you need to relay to us" Kai muttered as M/N pretended like he didn't hear Kai muttering.
"Like seriously"
The interview went smoothly as you all look at the high school that called Inarizaki in front of you guys.
You look at others as Iku and Yoru have nervous look on their face. They both looks really nervous to meet new people.
You clap your hands making others look at you. "Hai. Let's go to the point. Our opponents is number two at nationals..." You started as you didn't notice that it made Iku and Yoru more nervous.
You give your team a reassure close eye smile as you continues. "But that was all from yesterday. We were champoins yesterday. Past is the past. We have to make those memories gas to move you forward" That makes Iku and Yoru stop nervous.
You open your lime eyes as the team have letting out their aura. One thing that you know very well.
"They all going out 120% today"
You and other Sabers members walk to the gym. Some fangirls or fanboys ask you and your friends for photo or autographs.
Finally,you all reached to the gym as you can hear someone fighting inside the gym.
You open the metal door and greeted with twins who was fighting/rolling to the floor while the other male was taking the photo.
The captain you guesses,have face palmed along with the coach when they both noticed you and Procella members.
Dark aura surround Kita as his favorite idol/crush was in front of him and he thought you first on his impression is down.
Actually it's rather opposite. Yuu and Kai laughed a little bit as they watch the twins fighting. Iku,Yoru and Rui have dumbfounded look while you look back to the coach.
"You must be Norimune Kurosu. Nice to meet you,my name is Shimotsuki M/N,the captain" Kurosu laugh a little bit as he put his hand in front of you as you both hand shake.
"We're looking forward for today" You told Kurosu with close eye smile.
Kurosu give you the same treatment. "Same here. Please don't hold back. I need help of you and your members to shape my team" That makes others aka Inarizaki members look at Kurosu like he grow two heads.
In their mind,they hope that you don't took Kurosu offer but they are very wrong.
"If you are saying like that. Me and the team won't hold back"
You look at Inarizaki members as you give close smile to the members making their heart beat faster.
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"Nice to meet you. You don't have to tell me you guys name since Kurosu already tell me you guys names" Other Inarizaki members slowly nod their heads.
You slowly open your lime green eyes. "Then shall we begin the match between Inarizaki and Sabers"
The practice match begin and the first serve was your turn. You dribble the ball thrice to the ground as you took a deep. Since Kurosu request you and others not to hold back so why should you do that?
Of course you won't use god eye and you and others promised that you all will enter that door. If the opponent is strong enough.
You throw the ball high to as everything in your eyes slow down as only thing you see you the ball that you just throw.
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"What a nice throw" You said out loud. Miya Atsumu know that his sets and serves are perfect but when he saw you or his idol was going to serve,he look at your form.
Your form is all perfect. How you throw,jump or spike the ball. The ball was hit at beside Akagi making the Libero react no time to receive.
At that time Inarizaki volleyball club know one thing.
To aim top you seek for more,the more passion and hard word you have to try your best.