♡1st meet with Noah Flynn♡

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So it was on January 6th, 2018 ofcourse on a family function.
It was at my aunt's(father's sister) house. She lives in the same city in which we live. And cause Noah doesn't so he was staying there with his family. Around 12noon, me and my family arrived.
I was standing in a corner as I wasn't so comfortable around crowd and I never liked to be the center of attention, even on my birthdays, I just be alone with my dogs. After 4-5 hours when we were about to head towards home, I heard a voice from behind," Hey! I don't know you."
"Ughhh..Ofcourse I am no prime minister" were the words came into my mind but as I had to be nice with relatives, ordered obviously by my mom, I said," Yup! Me too."
"Nevermind I am Noah Flynn."
"Elle Evans, nice to meet you."
"Me too.!"
We exchanged smiles and I was like finally now he'll leave me alone but it wasn't so.
"So, which class you're in?", he asked.
"8th, you?"
"9th! Final exams round the corner", he said rolling his eyes.
"Oh c'mon you jerk stop giving extra expressions" again came to my mind but had to be nice.
"Yes, same here."
"Hmm, prepared?", he asked.
"Why? Are you my tutor?", my mind said.
"75% but I have plenty of time to cover the whole syllabus", my mouth uttered.
"C'mon time to go Elle!", my mom shouted.
"Okay, bye", I said.
"Yeah, nice to meet you. Hope we'll meet again", he said.
"Ughh..for God's sake never", I said heading towards our car.
Now, I don't know why but I was pretty annoyed by him but also I was thinking about him on my way home. Now, I don't know what was I thinking about him but yes I was.
"So, you met Noah?", my mom said.
"Yes, I hope I never meet him again", I said giving a blank and cold expression.
"Did he do something to you?", my dad asked. He's really protective and we were really close that I could talk to him about anything.
"Nah pops! What could he possibly do to me? I mean he can if he wanna break his head", I said laughing.
"Now that's my fighter!", my dad said.
He's a black belt in martial arts and so I was too interested in fighting and stuffs so I was a brown belt and a national level fighter in Jeet Kune Do and Wing Chun kunfu.
"Well you can break his head tomorrow then", my mom said.
"Wait, what do you mean by that?", I asked.
"You have to go there tomorrow with grandpa alone."
"W..wa..wait, you're kidding right?"
"No, grandpa can't go alone."
"Oh what the.."
"Elle! Language!"

Hey buds!
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                                      -Lowkey bitch

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