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A/N There's something attractive about people that manage to control their emotions in the most vulnerable of moments... They have unbelievably strong mentalities and extensive control over their bodies.


"Yeon Hwi-eonnie, stop this immediately!" Yuri's muffled voice came out from under the make-shift mask she had created out of her torn shirt. The gas was seeping into the closed room step by step and the very presence of it was making it difficult to breathe or see.

Eyes teary and itchy, Yuri yelled out, "Doing this has no benefit to you, eonnie. I don't know why you're going this far instead of talking to me but—" Yuri stood up on the bed as the smoke burned her skin, "—but this is nOT RIGHT!"

Yuri was met with silence once more as the gas tirelessly seeped into the closed room, trapping Yuri like a rat in a trap. "If I die like this eonnie, I'm going to haunt you all your life!" Yuri yelled, "I'll take all your toilet paper when you need it, move your sofas just a little bit to the right and— a-and" she backed up from the gas a little bit more, "—and never let you rest if you become my manager ever again!"

Laughter resounded from the other side of the room, Yeon Hwi finally responding to Yuri's words, "If you're going to curse me, at least make it scary, Yuri-yah." Her manager's voice cut through the gas, cleanly as it reached Yuri's ears, "Don't be such a child."

Coughing slightly, Yuri observed her surroundings. There was poor to no ventilation in the room and with the gas spreading as slow as it was, she had about 3-5 minutes before it would begin suffocating her. The gas was sure to blind the cameras as well and keeping her eyes open was going to be difficult. Keeping Yeon Hwi talking and buying time, hopefully even persuading her would be one option but otherwise—

Yuri hoped she could cheat death once more.


Woozi stepped out of his car without hesitation the moment Coups had parked the car. Not waiting for anyone, he hurried to the elevators, pressing the button impatiently. Seungcheol trailed behind, running to catch up to him. Silent and hasty, the two barged into Yuri's company, heading straight to the CEO's office.

"Sir, you can't see him without an appointment, please understand." The lady at the desk pleaded, watching the two men walk their way in.

Seungcheol had a bad feeling resting in his stomach, as if something had gone horribly wrong and somehow Yuri was in danger. It seemed Woozi had sensed it too, guessing from the urgency he felt to find out where Yuri was and whether she was safe.

Woozi peeled his mask off, surprising everyone around him, "If I don't see my sister or your managing director within five minutes, I will call the police

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Woozi peeled his mask off, surprising everyone around him, "If I don't see my sister or your managing director within five minutes, I will call the police." He warned, his voice extensively dangerous.

Taking a deep breath in, Seungcheol placed a hand on Woozi's shoulder, asking to calm down slightly as he spoke to the desk lady, "We need to speak to your managing director immediately. It's urgent." Everything in his head was screaming chaos but his leader-like instinct had taken over and his voice had calmed down significantly.

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