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"I vote Wonwoo-Oppa." Yuri spoke staring at the rest of the circle around her. They'd decided to play Mafia with the members that were home now that Yuri was going to stay at the dorms for a few days.

"Yah, Wonwoo is a citizen! You're totally off." Seungkwan complained from the sidelines, trying to help Yuri. Seungkwan had been killed by the Mafia in the first round and had been sitting along with Jun (who had been revealed to be the Mafia - caught) and Woozi (unfairly voted out). The only ones left in the circle was Dokyeom, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Myungho, SCoups and Yuri.

"No, Seungkwan-Oppa!" Yuri disagreed. "Trust me just this once. I'm sure Wonwoo-Oppa is the last Mafia." She looked around the circle, pleading with her eyes.

"Okay." Seungcheol spoke with a smile on his face, "Let's go with what Yuri says." He didn't really care who the Mafia was, enjoying the game simply because Yuri was playing it.

"Ayyyyyy hyung," Dokyeom laughed, "You're just taking her side because she's your girlfriend

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"Ayyyyyy hyung," Dokyeom laughed, "You're just taking her side because she's your girlfriend." His eye smile really stood out when he said, "Hyung, that's cheating."

Meanwhile, Jeonghan who had been sitting right next to Yuri leaned to her side to whisper something in her ear. Yuri too, was listening to him very carefully and nodding along to his words, drawing Seungcheol's attention.

"Yah, maintain some distance, you two." Seungcheol complained from across the room, glaring at Jeonghan. Yuri chuckled at that, finding Seungcheol's jealousy cute and drawing away from Jeonghan a little bit.

"He's trying to cheat again." Myungho pointed out, "Don't believe anything he says, Yuri-ssi."

Yuri nodded, "But I really think it's Wonwoo-Oppa this time." She looked directly at Wonwoo who had been staying silent, watching the members aregue amongst themselves.

"I agree." Jeonghan spoke in agreement with a mysterious smile on his face, confusing the members even more. Who to believe?

"I think it's Coups hyung." Wonwoo spoke up finally deciding to draw a sword against the most unexpected member.



"No, Wonwoo-ya."

It had been obvious that SCoups wasn't even interested in the game with the way he was so obviously staring at the Yuri all throughout. Yet Wonwoo pointed out Seungcheol? It made no sense. But Wonwoo was adamant and it wavered the group's opinion.

Yuri looked behind her at Seungkwan for some kind of hint but he was silent, confusing Yuri even more. "It can't be him. If it's Cheol..." Yuri started, "And if I can't figure it out..."

Seungcheol smiled a little, enjoying Yuri's confusion as she looked at him with clouded eyes.

Dokyeom laughed, speaking like an anchor, "Will this drive a wedge between the two?" He spoke holding his bottle of water like an invisible mike, turning it to Yuri, "What will you do if hyung is the Mafia?"

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