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Hello everyone so this is one of the two blue excorsit fan fictions i am hopefully going to be publish. This is a rin x amaimon.


Suicidal thoughts

self harm reference - please don't harm yourself

bad spelling

grammar mistakes

Please enjoy ; )









i was sat in the third floor bathroom watching as the crimson red liquid leek out from my arm. i continued to slide the knife across my arm watching as my blood oozed out of the cuts that didn't even hurt when they opened i felt nothing. My life has been a living hell ever since the impure king accident when i save everyone but they still hate me tell me to kill myself and make me fee like shit whenever they see me. Even yukio my younger brother hates me and he always points his gun at me if i get mad or upset, they don't seem to understand the fact that i know that if not for m being born konekomaru's parents would still be alive, shimas brother would still be alive, father fujimoto would be alive, yukios life would have been better and bons temple wouldn't be called the cursed temple. I know it's my fault that everyones life is horrible.

After a few more cuts i stopped and cleaned up my arms and the blood that had landed on the floor. Once my arm was bandaged up ad the floor no longer had any blood on i headed back to my room to try and sleep. when i got to my room i was met with my only true friend kuro a little black cat that has been by my side no matter what. i was thankful for him. After changing out of the bloodied top i claimed into bed and let sleep and nightmares take over me.


i was woken by the siren of my alarm clock going off. with a sigh i dragged my body out of my warm cocoon. I slowly left my room to go eat my breakfast that ukoboch had made for me. After finishing my breakfast i went to get changed into my school uniform so that i would be ready for the day of he ahead of me.

i reached school and headed to my usual seat by the fountain waiting for my first class to start in about an hour. i pulled out one of the many demon books i had been given by Mephisto and the monks from the monastery. i had given up on my dream to kill Satan and become an excorsit but i pretended to still want to kill demons but i don't, most of my friends are demon. i have been secretly saving demons and not killing them. most of the time the tell me about Gehenna apparently it's a mirror world from assiah but the sky is red and the trees and buildings are different from here and Satan he is actually really caring and wanting peace not war. He never meant to kill shiro but he did since he wanted to bring me home. I was snapped out of my thoughts thoughts by the all to familiar laugh of bon and his gang of friends. i was about to walked away when i felt my wrists get grabbed. followed by a punched to the gut and kick in the back. My acting skills where to good by this point since even if i didn't feel a thing i acted as if i was in pain. I heard the laughter from them all but i could feel the hate, anger, fear and so on. i new i should give up trying to be accepted by them but now i can see there true colors and how they see me, a demon and a threat,.

After the beating i had revived i stood up and walked away from the fountain and headed to my class. normal school flew by nobody really notices me and i am ok with that i don't care i would rather have no attention then attention i get from being a pain in the ass.

-cram school-

i was sat at the back of the tun down classroom acting as if i was asleep while my 'brother' taught us something i already new. yes i am smarter then i let on so what. at the end of yukios lesson bon had yet again pinned me against the wall. he had something on hand but I'm not sure what it was. I instantly threw up blood when i felt a blade through my skin and my insides burn.

'Fuck holy water' i thought as the pain in my stomach whatever he stabbed me with it hurt like hell. He let me go and i collapsed to the ground blood still spilling from my mouth and my noise. then everything went black.

i opened my eye to see (a hospital so white and clean, Jk not really sorry) the bloodied floor in the run down classroom. i sat up the holy dagger that was stabbed in me still sticking out of my stomach while the stinging was still lingering. i removed the knife from my body wincing at the pain that ran though me. Once i was up on my feet i slowly made my way back to the dorm. When i eventually got back i ignored my hunger for food. I headed upstairs almost fell down them. i entered my room and instantly was met by the little black cat. Without even changing properly, i only took of my shirt, i let sleep take over me once again.


I was sat in a tree outside the abandoned boys dorm where rin and that horrible twin off his. After Gehenna knows how long i saw the navy haired teen with a bloodied top walk in. WAIT A WHAT. i felt anger fill me. I saw as he collapsed onto his bed and stayed motionless. Without even thinking i was opening his window and climbing in. I have had a bit of experience in treating wounds so i got to work cleaning and dressing the horrible wound. I finished treating his wound quickly stroked his familiar before leaving two cherry lollypops on the desk and leaving to inform brother.

I arrived at brother mansion about 5 minutes after i left rin.

"Brother are you here" i yelled i didn't get response

"brother it's about rin" when said that was when i said rins name brother appeared.

"whats happened little brother" the purple hair king of time and space asked appearing behind me.

"i was waiting outside rins window when i saw him enter with a stab wound that was burnt with holy water. He looked so pale if not for me hearing his heart when he collapsed you would think he was dead." i said no emotion showing on my face but anger an worry carried in my voice.

I saw as brothers face fell he was pissed to say the least. I could feel the murderous aura from him.

"Who did it to him" his voice was dark and intimidating i shook at the sound o it.

"I don't know you'll have to ask rin" i said trying not to show any weakness.

mine not yours (rin x amaimon)Where stories live. Discover now