Chapter 1

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"Y/N! Sean! We are going to miss the train to Birmingham!" Your mother said, calling out to the both of you.

"Y/N! You're 16! I expect you to listen!" She said. You felt a pit of rage in your stomach. You have always wanted to cling onto your childhood, but you were too afraid to grow up. As your twin brother was chasing you around, you look behind you, only to notice he was walking towards your mother. You furrow your eyebrows, confused as to why he had just given in all of the sudden. You could admit that you were a rule breaker, but your brother was just the same as you. You turn your head forward, all of the sudden you see a brick wall. You close your eyes and put your arms over face, preparing to feel the bricks hit you. Instead of feeling yourself slam against the wall, you feel nothing...

                                      Chapter 1
You stood there in shock, you were too afraid to open your eyes, hoping that you hadn't died from hitting your head too hard.

"Oi! Girl! You better board the train before it leaves!"
A loud voice says, you slowly open your eyes and see a man in the corner looking at you. "Well, what are you waiting for?" He says. You stand there, shocked. You can see kids ranging from 11 to 17 by the looks of it. You see a train, it is much larger than any other ones that you have seen. You walk closer to it and it reads, "Hogwarts express?" You ask under your breath.

"Yes, Hogwarts Express!" The man says. "Now you better get on the train before it leaves!" You look around trying to find the entrance. You see a tall, blonde haired boy walking onto the train. You run up behind him and you place a foot onto the first step. You feel as if something is pulling you to get onto the train, you can't quite place your finger on it though. You place another foot, and slowly board the train.

"Hey Fred! Hey George!" A small blonde haired girl called out. She had a multiple articles in her hands, handing them out to everyone. One thing that you were draw to was her glasses, they were pink and had weird designs on the rims, swirls were on the lenses and they gave off a very magical sense to them. She walks up to you, a smile on her lips. She hands you an article and looks you in your eyes.

"Hello!" She says, smiling even wider at you. You stand there staring at her, admiring her. "Are you alright?" She asks. You come back to reality.

"Oh, yes. I am alright. Um what are your glasses?" You ask her, pointing to her glasses.

"Oh these? These are Spectrespecs! They help you see wrackspurts. They are invisible creatures that float through your ears causing your brain to go fuzzy. You seem to have quite a few." She says, you don't know whether to take that as an insult or not.

"Oh um, thank you." You say, flashing a small grin at her. You make your way around the train, trying to find a seat. You notice that all of the carts are taken, including the seats with the tables. You do notice one cart though. A boy is sitting there, he has dark curly hair, pale skin, and it seems as if he's.. writing. The cart only consists of him, so you make your way to it and slide the doors open. You sit directly across from him and observe him. He looks up at you, sending shivers down your spine. He gives off an evil aura that you feel sl the slightest bit uncomfortable.

"Who are you?" He says, very plainly. His dark green eyes are staring into your soul, as if he were trying to read you.

"O-oh, um, I'm y/n. Y/n Bell." You say, stretching your hand out. He looks at your hand and looks back at his journal that he's writing in, closing it.

"I've never seen you before, and I've never heard of you. Leave." He says coldly, opening his journal again. You can feel anger rising up in you. You've never liked it when anyone talked to you rudely, you sit up straight and stare at him.

"You have no right to talk to me that way!" You look at the back of his journal and take a glimpse at his name. "And I certainly won't have a boy named Tom talk to me that way." You say, feeling your blood boil. He looks up at you, shocked at what he's hearing, he's shocked that you don't know who he is. "I have no idea where I am! I ran into a girl who was talking about 'wrackspurts'. I also saw someone fix a lock with a stick! I'm not in the mood for your silly little attitude!" He looks at you in disbelief. He closes his book harshly and pulls out his wand, holding it up to your neck.

"Who are you? If you were a muggle you would have never even been able to cross the platform in the first place, if you're lying to me so help me god I'll kill you right here." You look at him in his eyes, you pull away from the wood against your throat.

"Oh really? What are you going to do with a stick?" You say, pushing his arm away. "I seriously don't know where I am, so stop being a bitch and help me!" You say to him, shooting daggers into his eyes. He backs away for a second and puts his wand down. Looking at you up and down.

"Well if you are so stuck in the fact that you don't know where we are, we are going to have to wait until we arrive to Hogwarts to find out what you are, and why you are here." He says. You feel a little bit of relief.

"Alright." You said, nodding your head slightly.

"Alright." He said, going back to his journal.

Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know if you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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