Chapter One: Kicked Off World

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The night was just beginning as a little Decepticon dealer weaved his way throughout different alleyways, all of those which housed shady and shelterless bots. And with his optics glowing a purplish-magenta, he had strolled out of the darkness; the light from lamp posts draped over his small frame when he began to walk carelessly past some small crowds that were around the sidewalk.

He soon stopped in front of a quaint bar, the very bar he helped grow and thrive from the metal ground of Cybertron, the place was owned by a minibot with the designation of Swerve. The rascal had spunk, Swindle had realized that ever since he had laid his optics on him. He was a minibot of dreams, dreams that he wanted to make come true, dreams that would require a lot of Shanix… And so Swindle had agreed to lend him a loan if he could make up the money in a few stellar cycles.

The minibot had deemed worthy since the bar had thrived amazingly in only a few mega-cycles that Swerve had gathered enough Shanix to repay Swindle. Thus making both of them happy, and provided Swindle a safe place to take advantage of an overcharged bot's wallet.

[Third Person POV]

He opened the door wide with a smile on his faceplate that was even wider, Swindle cheeringly gave the bodyguard, Ten, digit-guns and strolled by with a spring in his steps. "Hey, Swindle!" Multiple greetings could be heard from around the bar and Swindle returned them with a wave and smile, he just never stops smiling does he?

Swindle chuckled deeply and plopped his tiny aft down on a stool that was reserved just for himself, he drummed his digits on the counter of the actual bar as he waited for his little friend to show up and scanned the place for any new opportunities to make some pocket Shanix, as he was busy trying to stare into a pair of seekers' sparks, a small white and red minibot waddled near from behind the counter. Swindle detected his tiny business partner and turned around to face him with a bright expression on his faceplate.

"Well hello there Swerve! How's the business doing?" Swindle readjusts his place on the stool and smiled down at the minibot. "The bar's doing great Swindle, and it's all thanks to you! You are truly a mech who makes a bots dreams come true." Swerve said enthusiastically, pointing a digit at the dealer and then asked him a question.

"What would you like Swindle? The usual or the special?" Swindle shook his head and leaned forward towards the cheerful minibot. "I'm not here for drinks Swerve, not this time. I'm just here to make some pocket Shanix is all." Swindle whispered to Swerve and the minibot began to think, "Oh hmmm… I've heard that there are some miner mechs here that need an u-uh a good fragging"

"Swerve, you should know that I don't do that kind of work." Swindle replied with a deadpan impression. "T-that's not what I m-mean! I know you don't uhh do that kinda stuff but what if you go ahead and just sell them some… false valves?" Swerve desperately tried to recover from that and upon hearing the idea his colleague just gave to him, Swindle's optics lit up. "Swerve you are a genius! See? This is why we are such great business partners."

Swindle winked at Swerve and got up from his stool before leaning down to whisper to the minubot bartender. "Which table are they at?"

"Table 8" Swerve said and pointed to it.

"Thank you"

Swindle took his time getting over to Table 8 to get himself into dealership mech shape. 'Time to work my charm~' He thought to himself as he swung by the very mechs who's heat could be smelt by everyone. He swiftly sat down on one of the chairs at the table and 3 larger mechs glared at him, muttering threats under their breaths and Swindle folded his servos on the table, looking at all of the mechs individually and smiled widely as he leaned forward.

"Sooo do you want to buy some false valves?" The moment he had finished that sentence, the door to the bar was blown open and several elite officers rushed through to take everycon in here by surprise. "Surrender 'Cons! Or else be forced to!" A large figure stepped forward to show an absolutely hideous blue mech with a big aft chin.

Swerve suddenly climbed on top of the counter, grabbed a bottle, and smashed it against the floor before yelling "SCATTER!" and everyone and I mean everyone, 'Bot and 'Con transformed into their alt modes and ran over the large blue prime, who will now be a large blue pancake on the floor. The only two that didn't seem to run over the prime was a part of jets who still somehow managed to escape through the small windows of the bar.

Swindle was now driving through the busy streets of Crystal City, plenty of 'Cons are trying to flee the planet through escape ships and since Swindle was banned by every city on the planet… He had no choice but to leave to a new one. Luckily, Swindle already has a ship, he bought one, it was simply parked so it wouldn't be so hard to reach it… right?

Wrong. Multiple barricades had been placed but with all these Decepticons trying to leave at the same time, they managed to ram through the barricades and the only thing stopping them from gaining freedom was the Autobot soldiers stationed there to prevent them from leaving.

'Oh scrap!' Well that was quite the explosion! Swindle took cover with a red and silver Seeker to escape from any stray blasts, he looked to where his private ship was and saw that it was being guarded by the soldiers. He suddenly heard a jet fly through the air and break the soundbarrier, before knocking the autobots out of Swindle's path and flying away again with an orange blur. He looked left and right before finally driving to his ship, blasts nearly missing him as he rushed by in his alt mode.

Swindle slapped his servo on the scanner and the door opened for him, he hurried and vented exaggeratingly before activating the engines, alerting the Autobots soldiers and distracting them as Decepticons stole some ships and split across the galaxy.

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