Escaping from Heaven

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Hey, sorry todays chapter isn't as good as I hoped :/ I was having a rough week, and just wanted to get it done. I promise the next chapter will be much more fun. Also, this chapter is very dramatic....sorry if ya don't like that ig. ALSO! Incase anyone is unaware, Eret uses all prounouns he/she/they/etc.! So I will be referring to them with all those pronouns. It'll make sense when you read it.

The day was upon them. Tubbo was scared. Scared out of his mind. He had left Niki and Eret yesterday after the sunrise to do his daily duties. He had slacked off, he was going to be dead tomorrow, so he couldn't care less. After a sleepless night, he went to find Niki and Eret again.
When he didn't find them at their usual spot, he tried using his magic. That was when he remebered his halo was gone. [Yeah, I didn't put this originally, but when an angel Falls, their halo breaks/disappears, meaning they can't do magic, sorry for the sudden change] Without his halo, he was going to have to find them the old fashioned way.
He went to both of their houses, which were temple-like given they were both guardians. They were no where to be found. He had just hours before his and Eret's execution. All he wanted was to spend his last day with Niki and Eret, having as close to fun as he could. If he couldn't find his friends, he would have to be alone, and that was the last thing he wanted. He stayed focused on finding the two. He went into the main square, a large plaza in the middle of
Heaven. It's white bricks laced with gold and the marble fountain gave off a very peaceful feeling of comfort and safety. He began to ask around. Everyone knew who Niki and Eret were, so it wasn't hard to get them to understand who he was talking about. Very few people helped, given his dark wings and lack of halo.

Only one angel had seen them. "Niki and Eret? I think I saw them pass by earlier, they were heading to the golden pools." A kind-hearted angel replied. They were helpful enough to point in the direction, Tubbo wasn't good at those, and they went on their merry way. Tubbo flew in the direction they gave him. The golden pools were where every angel was created. They popped into existence, and the angels who ran the pool helped them. Each angel was born with talents. The elders decided what their role would be. The elders had assigned Tubbo to be a guardian. Apparently, he wasn't fit for the job. He quickly spotted Niki and Eret. They were on the edge of the cloud, dangling their feet of the edge. He landed behind them and sat with them. Eret glanced his way when she heard him land, but she went back to blindly staring straight ahead.
      "What are you doing here?" Tubbo interrogated. He kept his voice calm."It was a nice day, so we decided to sit out here." Niki said quickly. She seemed off. "That's the only reason? It took me forever to find you, why didn't you tell me?" Tubbo was a little hurt, though he would never admit it. He had lost a couple hours of precious time looking for them, and they hadn't bothered to include him. He didn't let the bitter feeling seep into his voice. Niki wouldn't look anywhere but towards the sun. She stiffened when he asked the question. She was acting defensive. "Sorry, I- I guess- Eret and I, we-" "Niki," Eret interrupted. "We should just tell him." Tubbo looked at Eret quizzically. What were they talking about? "Eret, I don't might make it easier if he doesn't know." Niki still avoided looking at him or Eret.
    "If he doesn't know, there are still consequences. Maybe even more than if he knew ahead of time." Niki finally looked at Eret. "I- maybe your right. But what if him knowing makes him unable to act in time..." Tubbo was getting frustrated. They were acting as if he wasn't there.
"Spit it out already! Why can't I know, it obliviously concerns me!" Tubbo was fed up. He wanted to have a good day, but he was getting more and more stressed as the day went on. Niki looked at him in a mixture of shock and concern. Tubbo could see the worry lines on Eret's face. Eret broke the silence, "We have an escape plan," they told Tubbo, "but it is very dangerous. However, it might be the only chance we have. We were deciding if we should tell you." The explanation helped, but Tubbo was still unhappy. He calmed a bit, but kept a pouty look on his face. "Well, you might as well tell me now, seeing as I know there is a plan. But...can it save both of us? And what about Niki? If we escape, they will use her to get what they want, or they will kill her." Tubbo had so many "what-if's" and questions, his head was spinning. "Tubbo, I will have to come with you two. Once you escape, you and Eret will fly away. I will hold the other angels off. Eret and I have been to Earth before, so she will take you to the place we have discussed. I will meet you there." Niki explained. Tubbo knew Niki was powerful. She was small in stature, sure, but that didn't mean anything. She had killed more demons, creatures, and rebels than Tubbo could fathom. Her halo radiated pure power. He knew she could do it. He had many questions, but he decided to ask the first one in his mind. "How will the escape work?"

I don't really like the ending, but it was funny cause HAHA CLIFFHANGER, I'M EVIL >:)! Anyway, I updated it earlier than Saturday, POG! I hope you liked the chapter. Still trying to get a schedule, so I'll update you when I can. Anyway, enjoy your weekend! Also, to my fellow Americans, HAPPY LATE THANKSGIVING Y'ALL! Bye!

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