Treehouses are Pretty Pog

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HAHA, I HAVE LEFT TUBBO'S STORY ON A CLIFFHANGER, TOTALLY CAUSE I MEANT TO, NOT CAUSE I NEED TIME TO WRITE IT CAUSE I'M BAD AT TIME MANAGMENT!! In all honesty, it is so much easier for me to write in Tommy's POV, so sorry for teh wait on Tubbo's! Heads up, there is swearing in this chapter. There is also talk of weapons, like knives. Other than that, there shouldn't be anything else triggering. So, as always, enjoy! ALSO, IGNORE THE PHOTO ABOVE AHAHAH-  

       Tommy woke up with a start. His instincts took over immediately. He was in an unknown place. He observed the space around him quickly.
He was laying on a cot in the corner of a small room. He saw a trap door in the corner opposite to him. A large tree branch poked through the wooden floorboards, seemingly being the support of the room itself.
When Tommy glanced up, he saw a roof made of reinforced leaves, woven together in perfect patterns. On the other side of the room, there was a desk with different herbs and plants scattered across it.

It also had a few potion bottles. He took note that his jacket was neatly folded on the end of the bed. His dagger was no where in sight, and neither was his bag.
He kept everything valuable in that bag. He cursed quietly. He slowly got up, noticing the bandages on his arms, and the strange leaf-cast on his leg. Tommy put his jacket on, noticing someone had washed it. He found a walking stick, conveniently place by his bed, and used it to help him walk around.
His entire body was running on adrenaline, his tail flicking back in forth in anger. How dare someone heal him up, give him a place to stay, and then taking his belongings!
He quietly made his way to the desk, looking over scattered notes with information on herbs and healing spells.
When Tommy found nothing he deemed interesting, and moved on to the trap door. He opened it, grimacing when it loudly creaked.
He climbed down the ladder carefully, trying not to put weight on his injured leg, and safely made it to the bottom.
He looked around.
He was in another room, this one more like a kitchen. It had a wooden counterspace, with a small table beside it. There was a furnace, and a cutting board.

Tommy welcomed the sight of a knife, and slipped in the hidden sheath of his jacket, where he kept his dagger. He noticed an even bigger tree branch,  with a circular staircase leading up and down on it.
He decided to go down, he wanted to get out of there. As he was about to start climbing down, he heard voices coming from below.
He quickly assessed there were at least two people. And they were coming up the staircase. He quickly went up the stair case, backwards, so he could keep his eye on it.
When Tommy safely made it up the staircase, he exhaled, turned around, and bumped into someone. Uh oh. "Techno, what are you- WHAT THE!" It was a demon, not much taller than Tommy, who wore a yellow sweater dress pants, and a red beanie.
The other demon looked at Tommy in shock. I'm so screwed.

"PHIL, THE KID-" Tommy hushed him up by whipping out the knife, held the demon against the wall, and holding the knife to his throat.
The demon just smiled and his whole body seemed to glitch. A loud popping noise, and suddenly the other demon was behind Tommy and running down the stairs. "HEY, GET BACK HERE BITCH, I WASN'T DONE WITH YOUR STEALING ASS!" Tommy ran after him, ignoring the pain in his leg.
When he reached the bottom, there were three people standing there. The demon fron seconds before, another demon,and...was that a forest spirit?
A tall man, probably in his 30s, with antlers and large wings. Yeah that was a forest spirit. Tommy didn't know why he wore robes, or had a white and green stripped hat, maybe it was a spirit thing.
The new demon had bright pink hair, and wore a boars head as a mask. Tommy silently admitted that was cool. He had a sword sheathed at his side, and wore a white dress shirt and a pair of dress pants.

Before he could speak, the pink haired demon grabbed Tommy's arm, twisted it behind his back at an awkward angle, and forced him on his knees.
"Drop the knife." He spoke in a monotone voice, but it was menacing all the same. "LISTEN DICKHEAD, I AIN'T DOING SHIT! GIVE ME MY THINGS, AND LET ME OUTA HERE!" Tommy spoke loudly, as usual.

He struggled, trying to escape, but the masked demon held tight. "I said, drop the knife. We aren't doing shit until you do that." Tommy thought for a moment then dropped the knife. The demon in the yellow sweater kicked it away. Surprisingly, the demon holding him down let go of Tommy.
Even more surprising, he helped Tommy up. "Alright kid, what do you want." His monotone voice got on Tommy's nerves. "I told you bitch, I want my shit back! My bag, and my dagger."

The demon with the beanie spoke up "That's no way to talk to the people who saved your sorry ass." Tommy snarled. "Alright you lot," the forest spirit began, "this bickering is getting us nowhere. Why don't we get some tea, and talk out this."
The two other demons  glanced at the spirit, then each other. "Alright Phil," the pink haired one said. "Thank you Techno." Phil smiled at Techno.
Tommy vaguely recalled what happened before he woke up. Techno was one of the two people who helped him.
That made the one in the sweater Wilbur, if he remebered correctly. Why had Wilbur and Techno helped him? He angrily followed the others, realizing he left his walking stick upstairs, and his leg was starting to hurt from the stress.
He grimaced and slowly made his way to the table. Phil seemed to notice. "I hope the cast isn't ruined, it was a pain to get it to work. I tried a few spells, but fixing a broken bone is quite complicated compared to healing a few cuts. Your skull healed well, so thats a plus."
Phil seemed to be talling to himself, even though he was speaking as though he was directing it to Tommy. Wilbur came out of the kitchen with some tea. Tommy looked at it skeptically. He didn't know these people. Just because they had saved his life, didn't mean he trusted them.
Techno and Wilbur exchanged another glance, and both began to drink their tea. Tommy ignored his cup. "Alright. Where the hell are my things? My dagger, my bag? I need to get moving again. I don't understand why these two dickheads," he pointed at Wilbur and Techno, "helped me, or why they are staying put. That's not a good idea." Tommy remembers times he thought it was safe to stay in one place. But eventually angels or humans, or rarely demons, would get too close, and he had to leave before they found him.

"Alright kid-" Tommy interrupted Techno, "My name is not 'kid', bitch, it's Tommy." Techno cleared his throat. "Alright, Tommy. Your things are downstairs in the lounge. However, Phil was hoping you would stay until your wounds heal."
Tommy raised an eyebrow. "Why would I do that? I've got to keep moving." Tommy kept his voice calm, but he was getting frustrated. "Also, why would I want to stay here? Angels and other demons are gonna be coming here, they'll be able to sense three demons amd a forest guardian hiddled together. It doesn't help that all three of you have really strong auras." It was true. The stronger a being was, the better you could pinpoint it's location. And the amount of energy coming of Phil, Techno, and Wilbur should have them all dead.
,Tommy liked to think he had a strong aura, and that's why he always ran into trouble. It totally wasn't because he was reckless and unlucky.
Phil gave Tommy a kind look. For some reason, it didn't anger him like it normally would. "Phil has that covered. His magic is pretty strong, so he can hide us very well. Plus, most people don't come too far into the treeline." Techno said in his monotone drawl. Tommy had relaxed a bit, and for some reason, he became intensely curious. "Who fucked up your face," he pointed at Techno. "And why are two demons hanging out with a forest spirit. You guys are really strong, you could really fuck some people up back in Hell." He said it more as a statement than a question.

Techno glared at him. "First off, it's none of your damn business. Second of all, you know why we aren't in Hell. I assume your here for the same reason." Tommy knew what he meant. Hell may have been his original home, but he never wanted to go back. He asked more questions, ones that he really asked to keep the conversation going.

Tommy felt weak. After his body used all the adrenaline, he realized he was in fact, very, very tired. He didn't want to let his guard down, but he could barely hold his eyes open. Techno noticed, and as he passed out, caught him from hitting the floor. Why was Tommy always blacking out at inopportune moments?

VERY long chapter pog! I have so much fun writing Tommy's POV, I didn't realize I had written over my usual 900ish words. Hope you enjoyed! I'll see y'all soon! ❤❤

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