Chapter 1

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𝚁𝚊𝚎𝚊'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅 ( rae-auh)
"Raea Johnston to the front office, I repeat Raea Johnston to the front office please."

I hear my name over the intercom, confused? Yes. Surprised? No. This school, the Administration, thinks just because my siblings put them on the map, I'm just some charm. They put me as the school image, as a respect for my siblings and family. We have a new student? I'm the one who helps them out. Big basketball game? I'm the one in the morning hype video.

Why am I complaining right? Anyone would want to be cherished this way. Well, not me! I'm the big girl of my grade; family too. The students don't think of me the way the admin does. They see me as some show-off or "know it all".

I've been bullied ever since my older brother left, which was Freshman year. I'm a Junior now. I have some "associates". People are nice because they either feel bad or want to be seen as some hero for being nice to the "Big Girl". Some of them are nice yes, some are fronting it all.

"Miss Johnston... Miss Johnston... RAEA!"
My English Teacher says sternly, yelling the last part bringing me out of my deep thought."Yes ma'am, " I responded kindly, even though I felt the yelling was unnecessary. "You've been called to the front office—" she gets cut off by the biggest bitch in this class ",— yeah 5 minutes ago, probably daydreaming about food."

The class erupts in laughter. I grab my things and leave before the teacher can respond. See what I mean? I mentally roll my eyes and hurry to the front office. I look through the small window on the door before entering. Ah a new student, should've known. I take a few deep breaths and I walk in smiling.

"Miss Johnston, glad you decided to finally make it!" Mr. Rasheed says sarcastically while sitting at his desk. Mr. Rasheed is the Principal. Standing at 6'7, he is a brown skin Blackman with a bald head, pepper-black beard, and a muscular physique. He is very well kept, attractive, but can be a complete asshole sometimes. I'd fuck him if I didn't have morals or my virginity.

"Cute." I respond in an "I'm not in the one" tone. "Raea, we have a new student here. His name is Marcel Ashton." Mr. Rasheed says, gesturing for me to sit in the chair beside the boy.
I comply and sit without looking at him. By the looks of his structure from behind, he looks like an athlete. Very built and tall. Maybe a basketball player, or lacrosse if he's bougie.

"Hey, I'm Marcel." his voice booms in my right ear. Wow, he has a very deep and serene voice. I casually turn my attention to him and I respond ", Hi Marcel, I'm Raea." I stick my hand out, hoping he wouldn't shake it. But he took my rather small hand into his large, lengthy fingered hand. His hand was kind of cold but surprisingly soft. He must have good hygiene, that's good.

"Nice to meet you Raea, call me Celo," He says with a smirk. I look at him and absorb his features. He has mocha skin, very clear. There is a small scar on the right side of his nose. He is attractive but he seems like the type to be an asshole to people my size.

"Okay Marcel, let me see your schedule and we can get this ball rolling," I retort intentionally saying his full name. We are barely on a first name basis, nicknames already? No thank you! He puts his schedule out for me to grab and I look at it. Ah, he is a Junior... But he has senior classes like me.

"That's intriguing, " I mumble as I process his schedule. We have our first, second, and last class together. Great. Just great. I look at him and force a fake smile on my face. "So it seems like we have most of our classes together, except 3rd period." I look at Mr. Rasheed with a glare. I know he did that on purpose unless this boy is an actual athlete.

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