Chapter 1: Oh No, I Think I'm Not Quite Ready

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AN: This first chapter, I'll admit, isn't the most interesting. It's mainly to introduce the characters and get an idea of their basic relationships with each other. I promise Remy won't be as coffee addicted in future chapters!
TW: implied dissociation, anxiety, implied minor character death, spider, if there are more let me know and I'll add them.
Platform 9 and ¾ was bustling with energy. The shouts of nervous parents, rushing their children to say goodbye, combined with the screaming of excited children and piercing cries of babies, created a frantic yet exhilarant atmosphere. Unfortunately, for a young boy in a purple patchwork hoodie, the excitement was quickly diminishing and being overtaken by the familiar heaviness of distress.

That was to be expected though, crowds often being slightly too much for Virgil, and with the added stressor of his mothers leaving prematurely in their journey, the discomfort came as no surprise to him. They had originally planned to walk with the group, much to the chagrin of Roman who had ranted about his acute protective skills, but were called into work early, thereby saying their goodbyes at the wall instead of the train.

Their departure left Virgil slightly more on edge then he'd hoped, and the sounds certainly weren't helping the situation, but he did have Roman nattering on about his – likely exaggerated - battles with the Dragon Witch (otherwise known as his older sibling) to distract him. Roman's loud spiels were surprisingly good at engaging Virgil and, though he often hated bragging, it was somewhat charming coming from one of his closest friends.

Virgil tried to focus on the mostly one-sided conversation opposed to the surrounding noise. That is, until it came to an abrupt end when the sight of the train hooked the loquacious boy's attention. The sudden silence forced the others to look for what had gauged Roman's notice, them too adopting similar gobsmacked expressions. Patton let out a little squeal to himself, grabbing Romans arm in the process while Logan and Virgil mimicked them, both much less expressive but still immensely intrigued.

The silence didn't stretch for long though, as the trance was broken by a loud slurp coming from Remy reaching the end of his mocha.
"Damn, guess I won't have any for the train." Remy sighed mournfully, his grey eyes dull as he looked dejectedly at his now empty cup. How he managed to drink the largest size in only a matter of minutes never failed to baffle Virgil, but he held his tongue on the subject as Patton rushed to comfort.

"Maybe they'll give you something on the train? I heard they had a cart full of candy!" Patton grinned, eager at the thought of snacks despite not boarding the train.
"Let's hope." Remy deadpanned.
"Actually, I think its highly likely that they wouldn't since a train full of highly caffeinated teenagers seems like a fairly hazardous situation." Logan pointed out quickly.

As Remy was about to lament the probable loss of his essence of life and Patton about to make some optimistic statement, Virgil cut in after sending a glance at the children piling into the train.

"Speaking of the train, are we going to board soon or just hang out cause it seems like we're gonna run out of seats?" He pushed.
"Oh, don't worry smidget, it'll be fine." Remy waved off; mind captured in coffee correlated dramatics.

Virgil was about to reply with an eyebrow raise and a short statement of 'do you even know me?' but upon Remy finishing the statement, the sonorous blare of the train whistle blew.

"Well Fuck." Virgil snapped, clenching Remy's hand as his ears were assaulted.
"Indeed, I think it would be wise for you to board now." Logan nodded, laying a hand on Virgil's shoulder and walking him closer to the train. 
"Oh, we can put the bags away for you!" Patton offered.
"Yes! I promise they will be in good hands." Roman grinned with jazz hands, getting a giggle out of Patton.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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