Part 9: Hope

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"Draco...what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?" He sits next to you. "I'll explain later.." After dinner Draco follows you to your room so you two could talk. As you were going upstairs you notice Tom watching and he didn't take his eyes off you until you made it to your room. "Woah.. you went on a shopping spree huh?" You giggle " Yeah Tom took me on one." He looks at you "so you and Tom?" You roll your eyes "Draco. One I just met him two he was the only one around here my age and he's fun so why not. So now tell me what are you doing here." He sits next to you on your bed. "My parents called me home early. I have to be here for the ball next week." He explains. "Oh well now I have a familiar face. Besides your parents.. did anyone notice I was gone?.." you ask curious. "Hope was heartbroken. When she explained to Ron, Hermione and Teddy all they wanted to do was find you. Your parents made them stop.." you scoff "of course they did. They are the ones who let them take me." He looks at you shocked. "Wait what?! Hope said it was an invasion!" "My father probably compelled her to say that. In order to stop Lizzie and Josies merge they offered a tribrid to Voldemort because he can stop it, since Hope is Hayleys daughter she offered me.." you explain and he grabs your hand. "Y/n...I'm so sorry! I didn't know." You shrug it off "Well they will have to live with the guilt because they think Voldemort is throwing me in Malivore , but he only wants me on his team." Draco shakes his head "No.. Y/n you can't join him they do terrible things!" You pull your hand away. "Draco my parents sold me off to save the twins when one can easily be turned into a vampire to stop the merge! But since Lizzie doesn't want to it makes everything harder and now I have to suffer!" You yell at him. "Don't talk about my girlfriend like that!" You laugh "Oh girlfriend now?! She's the reason I'm in this situation!" "You're in the disruption because you are a FREAK! You were a nature mistake! You shouldn't have been made!" You stare at him with tears in your eyes "oh yeah..? If that's how you feel then get out.." he tries to come closer to you "Y/n...I'm sorry I didn't mean it.." "I said GET OUT!" You yell and your magic flows out of you and throws Draco against the wall. Tom runs in the room. "Y/n are you okay?!" He sees Draco in the floor. "Draco get out." He says sternly. Draco dusts himself off and walks out in a huff. "Y/n.." you hug him tightly. He strokes the back of your head. "God! We used to be so close! And I don't even know what happened!" You tell. "Hey hey, look calm down okay. Just lay down get some rest. He helps you to bed. "Will you...uh..lay with me for a bit?" You ask shyly he has a soft smile. "Of course come here." He climbs under the covers with you and you bury yourself into his chest and he keeps his arms around you. You soon drift off to sleep. Tom slips from your embrace and starts putting your things away making the room organized and clean.

When you wake up you realize Tom isn't there. You get up to use the rest room and see an outfit laid out for you. It was a nice black shirt with a black fur coat and a flowy black skirt. He also laid out that same pair of black laced undergarments from the night before with a note.

"Hope you enjoy your outfit. I chose these myself..gotta say by far my favorite ones ;)
~ Tom"

You roll your eyes but you are blushing inside. You get dressed in what Tom left you. You go down for breakfast and see Tom cooking. "Wow. He has decent fashion taste and he cooks. Could you be more perfect?" You slap your hand over your mouth not meaning to say that. "Hm so you think I'm perfect ay?" You turn pink "I..I didn't mean that" he chuckles "yeah sure. Anyways everyone should be down soon and I'm not even close to being done." You walk over to him "here let me help." You tie your hair back and begin cooking. You two make a huge stack of waffles with eggs , sausage and bacon on the side. "Wow you two. This looks amazing" Narcissa says sitting down. Voldemort and the other join you and you sit in your seat next to Draco and Tom. Voldemort explains why he wants you once again and you eat and talk for the rest of the time. Tom plants his hand on you leg sliding up and down. You feel yourself blush and you grab his hand. "I don't know what you're doing but it needs to stop.." you whisper and he just smirks. "Oh don't pretend you don't like it." He whispers back smirking. You roll your eyes continuing to eat. You feel his hand on your thigh moving his hand slowly upwards. He reaches under your skirt and feels on your underwear. He leans and whispers "Looks like you take orders well Y/n" he says his hand not leaving your thigh. you turn bright red. "Well what's going on with you two?" Bellatrix laughs. "Oh nothing..." you say and look down. Tom just smiles and squeezes your thigh. After breakfast you put up the dishes. And go up to your room.

You enter and as you close the door Tom grabs you and pushes you against the wall. His hand softly but firmly on your throat. Your body's are so close. He grabs your waist with his other hand so there would be no gap. "Tom what are you-" "shh!" He slams his lips against yours. He moves his hand off your throat and slides it up to your jawline holding your face. He picks up your thigh so he's right in between your legs. He moves down and starts kissing your neck. Leaving purple love marks. He was going to continue until Narcissa walked in and you pushed Tom off you and fixed yourself quickly. "Oh good you both are here. But there is someone here to see you..." She says and Hope walks in..... "Hope?..."

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