Part 1: New beginings

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(The picture above is how y/n looks)

(It was the start of a new year at the Salvatore school.  Your parents are Klaus And Caroline Mikaelson. You have blue green eyes light brown hair medium length. You're about 5'3 in height with a slim waist and thick thighs.You're currently 16.)

It was September 1st a bright and early morning. You put on the Salvatore uniform and head down stairs to meet with your sisters. Josie and Lizzie are the babies only a year younger but you and Hope are 16 taking on the big sisters role. Today was the day wizards would be joining the Salvatore school. "They aren't much different from us witches. I was reading and the only real difference is they have wands." Josie says. "Ugh who caresss I'm just waiting for the boys"  Lizzie smiles. All you can think about is Draco. Your father was close friends with Lucius Malfoy when your father was in running from Marcel and his vampire crew he met Lucius. Hope stayed with her mother Hayley and my father took me of course. You and Draco spent all your time together while your fathers scheme against who knows ! When you and Draco both turned 11 he got his letter. He was accepted to Hogwarts and would start September first as for you would begin going to the Salvatore school. You two were inseparable all those years but once he left for Hogwarts you bearly saw him. You saw him for Christmas , Thanksgiving and Summer for the first 2 years but after Draco stopped showing. You were upset but Mr.Malfoy said Draco just couldn't be bothered anymore and would stay at Hogwarts. You always wondered why he acted that way. "Did I do something?" You wondered every night before falling asleep. You hadn't thought about Draco until you heard about the new exchange and he was all that was on your mind. "Uhhh y/n!? Earth to y/n!!" Hope says snapping her fingers in your face. "Oh! Sorry what were you saying?". "Is this about that "bestfriend" you had as a child?" Lizzie says. "No. No it's not actually. I -uhm I actually have to go see Jed! I'll catch up with you all before they get here! Bye!" You quickly walk off. They all look at each other "it's definitely him who's got her all riled up" Hope smirks. "He must be cute can't wait to meet him." Lizzie says confidently. "Oh please Lizzie don't even try if he comes here don't ruin that for y/n" Josie pleads. "Oh shut it Josie. She would be happy for me." Lizzie walks off.

You run to the gym where the werewolves play dodgeball. Jed sees you and immediately pauses the game "uh everyone take 5 or something" he waves them off . "What a lovesick puppy aren't ya Jed?" Kaleb teases. Jed gives him a sarcastic smile and walks up to you. You jump into his arms. "Oh someone missed me huh, princess?" He says planting a kiss on you lips. "You wrap your arms around his neck and he has his hands supporting your thighs. "Of course I did! Seems like I haven't seen you in forever you've been busy with the pack!" He spins you around then sets you down and grabs your hand. "How about a date tonight? After I get back from training I can shower and -" you cut him off "Jed I'd love to but I'm going to be busy practically all day with the new students" you frown. He caresses your cheek "hey it's okay. Tomorrow then?" "Of course!" You agree "but can you stay awhile?" You nod and He winks and pulls you into a dark corner. He kisses you passionately which turns into a make out. Jeds hands slide down to your bum and as it was getting intense Mg appears. You and Jed both jump and straighten yourselves. Mg laughs "Sorry! Didn't mean to interrupt but y/n it's 11:15 the new students should be here already." "Oh crap! I have to go!" You give Jed a quick kiss and run out of the gym to the main entrance.

Once you get there you're all out of breath "sorry... I'm late..." you pant. Hope,Lizzie, and Josie "Got caught up with Jed now did we?" Hope cocks an eyebrow. You roll your eyes "No actually I was talking to uh... MG! Yes Mg. Now shall we get started?" You scan the crowd to see if you see Draco but there is to many of them to point out so quickly. You come to the conclusion that he just wasn't there. "Okay well this is Lizzie and I'm Josie or Jo for short." Josie starts "We are the Saltzman twins." Lizzie mentions "Fraternal twins" Josie chimes "We are both witches. A certain type of witch though. We are siphoners we can only use our magic by taking it out of supernatural things or beings" Lizzie adds as her and Josie begin to siphon the walls. "See!" Josie smiles. Everyone looks so shocked to see something like this. "I'm Hope Mikaelson and this is our half sister y/n." "We are tribrids. A mixture of 3 different species." As you begin a tall figure seems to walk to the front from the corner of your eye you decided to ignore it but you felt their eyes on you. You quickly turned around and noticed a tall , pale skin bright blue eyed boy with hair as white as ice. Your face drops as you meet his gaze but Hope pushed you to continue. "Oh.. right uhm so Hope and I both share the same father and basically what a tribrid is , is a witch, werewolf and vampire combined which makes us." You say they all seem afraid but trying not to show it. "Don't worry the vampires here don't feed on people and with me and y/n we haven't activated our vampire side it's just a gene right now. Once we die in some way it will trigger the vampire gene and we would officially be a tribrid." Hope continues while you look down at your feet trying not to make any more contact. "Alright! Well we should get to know some of you soo hmm how about you with the nerdy glasses." Lizzie chooses. "I'm Harry.. Harry Potter. And I'm only a wizard. " Josie looks and points to the girl standing next to him. "I'm Hermione Granger. The top wizard of my class." She says proudly. Hope picks 3 ginger headed boys and a girl. "I get the feeling you all are related so one speak for all?" She says. "Well..I'm Ginny Weasley and these are my brothers Ron and my other brothers twins of course Fred and George" she answers. You decide to choose that same boy who was staring at you. You knew who he was already you just wanted to make it seem like you didn't care anymore. " how about you." You point to him. He looks around and signs. "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy but you would already know that wouldn't you y/n?" He raises his eyebrows. Everyone stops to stare at you. You feel your cheeks burn red " I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't know you . Malfoy was it?" You snap. He looks taken back and doesn't reply. "Now how about a school tour? Then we could head to dinner and then the dorms!" You say. As everyone's walking past you let Lizzie and Josie lead while you and Hope follow from the back to make sure no one falls behind. You feel a cold hand grasp your wrist and pull you into a closet. "Y/n?" Hope says but you watch her shrug it off and she continues walking.

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