Chapter 3 The broken piece

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Little note from the ones who read the original I re read it and the chapter didn't make sense to me so its gonna be a bit different

Izuku: UUUUCK!! *covers eyes* I NEED BLEACH IN MY EYES NOW!!

Time skip brought to you by Izuku pouring bleach in his eyes

So the Midoriya Family are in the kitchen where they sat in silence none of them wanting to say a word until Izuku decides to speak.

Izuku: Why are you here?

Hisashi: Why wouldn't I want to see my family again?

Izuku: Again. Why are you here?

Hisashi: ... My work on the overseas is done so I can work here.

Izuku: ... ...Sorry Mom I have to go I said that I would train with Kirishima today.

Izuku stands up and leaves the apartment.

Inko: Give him some time sweetie I'm sure he will come around. Maybe you should tell him the truth he is going to find out sooner or later.

Hisashi: sure...

Time Skip

The day was a bright and sunny day, but to every one in the Midoriya house it has been the most quietist place in Japan. The elder Midoriya was thinking if he should tell his son the truth about where he was for 11 years. Inko was just chilling making lunch for her husband. With Izuku he was walking and texting Kirishima to see if she wanted to train today in the abandon beach. After sending the message he was thinking of about earlier today.

Izuku: Why? Why is he here? That bastard after 11 years decided to come back. Did he find out I was quirkless before I knew and left? Does he even care about the things I been thro-


He got a text back from Kirishima saying that sure she is free to train. He sighs as he feels like he needs to let off some steam. So he makes it to her house and knock on her door, then after a minute Ellie Kirishima came out with a bag behind her.

Ellie: Nee, are you ready for training Midoribro!!

Izuku: Y-Yeah

Time skip

They both were stretching out to prepare a spar on the beach. Kirishima was excited as she wanted to know how much she grew since she was practicing her quirk ever since her fight in Eri's rescue. Izuku on the other hand was still in the continuation of his thought from before. Getting a bit too angry in his own head.

Ellie: Ready Midoribro

Izuku just nods as they both ran towards each other with both punching themselves in the face. Kirishima side kicks Izuku's feet to make him fall on his ass but he backflipped to stand back up. Then Izuku uses a Delaware Smash on the sand to distract her, Kirishima hardens up and covers her eyes to not be blind, as Izuku comes behind her-
A/n: He he
-and pins her down. Kirishima does a gut punch and kick Izuku with her hardened leg making him fly back a bit and land on the sand hard on his head. Then instantly Deku gets a flash of a hallucination. His life flashing before his eyes and seeing all of the good times in his life and how his father was in less and less until he wasn't there any more. Then he sees his father coming back home with that damned smile on his face that Izuku wanted to punch.

While getting back up he was getting a bit more angrier than he should be. He looks up to see his father instead of Kirishima and went straight at his 'father'. He swings a left hook which his 'father' dodges and counters it by kneeing his stomach. He then was just flailing his arms like a spoiled brat on a tantrum. Kirishima noticed that Izuku was crying while 'punching' her. She grabbed his arms to try and calm him down

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