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Lauren's PoV - 19th December (Still)


I saw her face slowly move up in shock. I don't know what to do.

"What are you doing here?" Pure evil in her voice.

"I got invited" A smirk was sounded.

"Oh shutup Jack" I finally stood up to him.

"Excuse me?" He looked at me in shock and at everyone around the room.

"Leave it out" I continued on Dani's side.

"You wouldn't be having this argument if you didn't get back with a lying, cheating, scum bag" Dani stoormed out the room and upstairs followed by Lisa.

I wish we could be as close as we were 4 years ago. I miss Dani. I miss Dauren.

"Well someone is on there period" Jack laughed.

I couldn't put up with him anymore. I don't know why I let him back into my life. I wish I never did, but he's here and can't go back without me.

I just went outside to sit on our old swing set. I miss Dani. I miss Dauren.

"Lauren?" Katherine walked outside.

"Hey Kath. It's been weird without you around" I smiled to her as she sat down.

"I know,"She frowned at me,"So, are you going to tell me what's up?"

"The sky" I slightly laughed.

"Seriously Laur" She had her serious face.

"I miss Dani. I miss our family. There is just going to be argument after argument in this house until we all leave" I sighed.

She stood up and opened her arms and I happily accepted her hug. I've missed are hugs.

"Let's go upstairs? I've gotta sort all my chlothes out. Such fun" She giggled and turned around.

Katherine is the only optimistic person in this family. I haven't seen her cry since she was a kid.

I followed her upstairs and she stopped at the top of the stairs.

"Let's do that later?" She asked.

"I just want to get it over and done with so I can relax. You don't have to do yours if you don't want to?" I smiled at her.

"I'm hungry. Do you want to get something to eat?" She started acting suspicious.

"What's up?" I asked.

I continued walking upstairs and into my room. As I went to open the door I came to a stop as I heard people talking.

"I wish she never came. Especially Jake. He is an idiot himself. A lier" I heard a voice that sounded like Dani.

"So you don't miss her one bit?" Lisa questioned.

"Nope. What about you and Christina?"

"No not really. She can go back home aswell. All she is going to do is ruin my time home" Lisa giggled.

I walked in like nothing happened. At started to unpack my suitcase that was on the floor. Amy had taken them upstairs earlier.

"Hey Lauren" Lisa smiled.

"Hey" I smiled back.

Amy's PoV

I have tried small talk with Katherine,but she isn't having anything. The others have gone of in pairs so I guess I'll go with one of them.

I go to Dani, Lauren and Lisa's room to see who's in there. Dani and Lisa.

"Hi guys. I'm a loner downstairs as Christina won't talk to me" I laughed and they both joined in.

"So I guess it's us three for a while?" We all looked bummed.

I know that deep down Dani misses Lauren. Lauren definatly misses Dani. I wish Dauren would reunite.


hey I have know idea how to end it and I had no idea what to do after that bit bc if I went into detail the chapter would have gotten rly long.

how is you guys? I'm hoping you're good :)

QOTD: Who loves Dauren? And who heard about there tour!! I'm so excited.

love ya and goodbye

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