
478 12 5

Oct 9th



I was officialy 4 months pregnant, i felt as if this pregnancy was going by so fast, me and sean were laying in the bed talking to sean because of as of now we were in a situationship.

"let me ask u sum tho" i said as i played with his dreads

"talk to me" sean said 

"what we doing" i questioned i felt like we were not getting anywhere

"we laying in the bed kayla" sean said deadass serious, he was slow as hell

"man quit acting so damn slow, what the fuck is we doing what are we" i said as i sat up and looked at him

"cmon now dont even try to play me pussy like dat' he said as he shook his head

"nah im being fr, what are we" i asked

"what u wanna be kayla" he said being smarty, i was finna say 'ur wife' tf but ian wanna do allat lmao, i ignored him, "say look we together ight, cant nobody else be yo nigga, fuck u or nunna dat gang cus i a leg yo ass real fast"

thats all he had to say literally,"so u gon cut them hos off" i asked

"ian got no hos baby, its just me and u and my lil nigga " sean said he wanted a boy so bad he was gon jinx the shit so bad, he dont really speak on the baby much but its my fault i didnt tell him

"and throw me a grand if it's not sis" i said smirking

"say no mo" he said as he nodded

"u ready to be a daddy" i asked because i never knew the answer

"ion know to be real, aint hit me yet" he said as he shrugged his shoulders, he never showed any emotion, "allat bs u be eating u gon have my baby 12 lbs"

"so u tryna say im fat' i said as i got emotional, its the hormones ugh

"man here u go" he said as he shook his head and my phone rang and it was malaysia, "wassup sis" i said showing my face in the camera

"tell sean ima beat his ass' she said as her face appeared

sean looked, "for what girl" i said 

mario hopped in the camera,"say sean tell her who drunk all her juice, she in this bitch bouta cry like it's not in the store no mo or sum" they argued over the dumbest things, it was cute tho

"malaysia" i said laughing

"nah fr idc ion like et that shit said my name in bold ass letters" she said as mario gave her the phone back

"man ima buy u some mo gang" sean said

"nah fuck the drink u owe me a blunt and stuff et" malaysia said

"hell na yeen smokin no more" mario said in the background and malaysia rolled her eyes

"i wasnt gon give u et shit no way girl" sean said

we talked a little longer before we decided hang up and sean and i decided to go to the mall, we walked inside true religion and was paying for our things

"will that be all for u" the employee said looking at sean biting her lip

"yeah das it" sean stated

"96.07 " she said as she bit her lip im assuming the bitch did not see me

"fuck u keep biting ur lip fa bitch u see me right here" i threw her a 100, "keep et lil shit sis" i said as i grabbed the bag and walked away and sean followed me and shook his head, "what"

"yeen have to snap" he said

"nah u was moving all slow like u wanted to fuck her or sum" i said in which i felt like i was overdoing it

"ight" was all he saif

Oct 12



i woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick as hell and could not go back to sleep afterwards so i decided to get up and go to the drug store, luckily mario was a deep sleeper, i slid out of bed slid on my slides n grabbed my purse n keys and walked downstairs and got in mario's 2020 challenger since he blocked me in, i headed to the drug store and walked in 

"welcome to cvs pharmacy 24 hours, how can i help" the employee said

i walked to her, "yes can i have a pregnancy test 3 of them?" i asked, i was feeling so unusual and i needed answers 

"yes u may 34.22" the employee said, that shit was beyond me why so high i gave her 40 and i told her to keep the change and headed home.

i got in the house and immediately peed on the stick in pur bathroom with the door shut then i heard mario's voice 4mins later

"bae" he said in a raspy voice

"yea" i yelled and he didnt respond, "what" i said again as i looked at the stick, i opened the door

"what u doin g its 3:15am in the bathroom" he said as his eyes was still closed

"in the bathroom nigga' i said as i shut the door and looked at the stick and i seen two lines, my stomach was in my ass, cause bitch im pregnant what the hell. i was debating on telling mario but i decided to because he was up, i walked back in the room and he was going back to sleep and i turned on the light and sat down

"bae" i said as i looked him and his smart ass opened his eyes and stared at me, "dont do dat like im gettin on ur nerves" i said

"man what u want" he questioned 

"man im pregnant" i said as i looked at him as i was sitting at the bottom of the bed lookin at him

"quit playing gts" he said closing his eyes, i got up and handed him the test, "ian even bs or nun" i said as he opened his eyes and sat up, "dis shit fake" he said

"omm dat shit aint fake i took all 3 of em" i got up and handed it to him

he looked at it, "say u pregnant" he said as his eyes lit up and i just busted out crying, he looked at me crazy

"fuck wrong w u" he said with his face scrunched up 

"the baby gon have some nappy ass hair" i said as i sobbed why tf did i talk ab my baby

mario laughed,"say bae u funny,wipe yo face"

i stopped my tears," no im fr"

"damn fr, das y u bn trippin n shit" mario said, "im finna be a mf daddy' he said cheesing he was ugly asl doin et

"so yeen mad" i asked

"nah nah i got what i wanted now u cant never leave me girl" he said as he kissed me repeatedly 

"bae" i said as he still had me ontop of him still close to him

"talk" mario said

"man quit kissing me yo breath smell like straight ass cuz" i said as i started laughing and he kissed me again, after all of the shit i was having a baby by this man


i had too lmaooooo

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